I am done my XMas shopping and wrapping. Wow it's been a long day. I'm broke now which sucks, another 2 weeks of being poor. Atleast theres food in the cupboards. I'm starting to get sad about XMas because as excited as I am I can't help but be sad about the fact that my love isn't going to be there on XMas day with me. It just isn't right to miss such a special day together. =( but what can you do. *sigh* I still need to get Andys chain off layaway, I only have $70 left to pay off, I am waiting till the 22nd because I just couldn't seem to afford to pay it all off this paycheck even with the extra $200 I got. It's all good though. Hopefully I get a full paycheck on the 22nd, I need to pay my phone bill, I've been naglecting it for too long. Humm, well I work the rest of the weekend, it'll keep me busy, help time pass. I have thursday, friday, saturday off next week, that's gonna suck because I am poor! Andy gets payed though. I get to help him XMas shop, I love shopping! Anywho...
Your Dating Purity Score: 60%
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