Oct 12, 2004 20:08
the butterfly effect ;' /
So to put everyhting into words so you readers understand my feelings towards life itself, i'm super bipolar. sometimes you must put the things u care about in life aside, and think about other people's feelings as well. sometimes you must leave things+ or feelings behind, just because you know deep down life will just work out better that way. if you stick that that 1 person or thing [not to state the obvious] it might just ruin too much. from personal experince and all the insanity i've been able to feel and experience i'll just rather leave it behind.
I hurt my friends feelings in the process for something so fucking stupid. something that should of never had been brougt up in the 1st place, but i must hit myself really hard in the head in order to grow and actually learn and realize what i did or maybe in this case what i said was wrong. i'm sorry. Just like in the movie the butterfly effect " i'm going to walk away'.=[ i feel really hurt inside, but it's nothing i cant bare with. been involved in a lot worst. Sometimes in life u must get hurt in order to grow, hit yourself hard in the fucking head and then u wake up from the dream world you've been in for far to long, something i knew all along but it took much more then i thought to realize. maybe i wont get over this issue ; person ; place or thing [ noun] as soon as i think i will, but eventually with time it will get erased from my mind just like everything eles that i wanted to get out of my head.I'm not making this entry "friend only" not becuase i dont want to but because i want a certain someone to read my thoughts so they know just how i feel towards the whole issue we don't want to address, but i must put into writting to release the stress, drama, and thoughts that have been in my head for far to long. i can't believe i almost let this ruin our friendship, that was so immature in my part, and i take back what i said. I'm so very sorrry.