Jan 11, 2011 04:23
I hear alot of people worrying about the surface but it is what is going on right under us that is starting to both me. This could possibly be because I can't see it and no matter how much I over look Tokyo on top of the tower, I'll never know what is going to become. I haven't bother with the surface antics as it seems that they are just the theater acts and the puppeteer is just like their strings lead a little longer. If there is something the people should worried about is just under their feet. Where you least expect it to be.
Not that but there is a new kind of race brewing as well and I see more conflict with it. Even with all the races mingling with one another we have hardly ever see one become two. Usually, when a child is conceived they take on one dominant trait of their parent weather it be a demon or a pathogen. One or the other. Don't know what I'm speaking of?
Possibly you'd think every child is some sort of hybrid because of the parents are either from different background but these Hybrids are different. These Hybrids usually contain more than two different qualities from their genes and it usually leads to drastic split personalities or worst. We've had one among us for quite sometime but still so isolated...I believe it is best that we carry this race on our side f the line between good and evil or it could be a regret...
Especially when they know what will happen and when.
- Nogi