Oct 25, 2004 17:28
oMg guYz i never bRoke a b0ne in my life until yesterday yea i broke my t0e and it sux but its kinda funNy t00 cuz i it shouldnt 0f neva happend yea i did it by playin Tackle fOotball wit a whole bunch 0f quys and they werent small eaither!! bUt its all g00d cuz iMa be a s0lja b0ut it and get th0ugh it!! unlesS i trip d0wn the steps and break my leg cuz i cant walk n0rmal then mayb ill kry!! but yea anyways i heard from a wh0le bunch 0f pPl T0ld me that the h0mec0min pics came 0ut g0od, i havent seen any 0f them yet but rahav said that she'll send them to me!! thanks ravi!! bUt yea im n0t c0min d0wn this wEekend to lauderdale cuz i g0t h0mec0min f0r jupiter s0 ima g0 t0 that then h0pefully ima c0me d0wn the next weekend!! :) but yea well im n0t talking t0 my crush any m0re hes t0o damn c0nfusing f0r me s0o im let him be c0nfusd by himself cuz im sik and tird 0f bein fukin c0nfusd cuz 0f him s0o that shyts 0va f0r all i care!! but yea anyways my pH0ne is by far the gHetT0est pH0ne i eva sEen!! that sHyt is a h0t meSs!! the intenNa is bRoke there is n0 screEn half 0f the time u g0tTa bang it against s0mething f0r it t0 worK the reGular ph0ne d0esnt w0rk any m0re s0 if u wAnt t0 talk t0 s0meb0dy u g0tta put them 0n speaker pH0ne!! hah iTs agGravstin expesSially since i kant seE any 0f my piCtureS i t0ok on it!! but ima get 0Ff the c0mp n0w and liMp t0 the frigerAter -n- get s0mething t0 eat because i am hungry!! iight l0ve yall x0x0 <3 NeFfy holla bak at me