(no subject)

Feb 25, 2007 13:17

Hiya u lott, long time no chat! How r u all? Hope ur all doin' as good as I am. I'm fabolous! lol. Everythings great really, boyfriend, friends, family, work, money, clubbing and shoping lol! Been a busy bee with work lately, but changing my job in 3 weeks, going to work for BT, better money :P and fancied a change :) so that should be exciting! Eventhough I don't update this often, I still read ya entry's and i'm gonna try my harest to comment as much as i can. I'm on MYSPACE now though, if u want my thingy ask me lol, my laptops working again and I'm back lol :P Ur all gonna have to give me ya mobile numbers again cos i lost my phone :( be nice to catch up again! :)

Leave you with a few pics from the other night, i was wasted so don't laugh ok :P and sorry i've forgotten how to do a cut thing lol.

Stolen from Daisy :)
Post the last ten text messages you received, in full, exactly as they are written.

"if you don't come up soon they wont serve u, its stop tap at 12" (Emma)

"ud better ad and celebrate u gettin a new job, kareoke aswell babe lol weel hava laugh, stay at mine tonight if u like" (Emma)

"missin u loads babe! im flyin back at 12 mro, shud b ome bout 5 babe. did u watch the rugby babe? shit as! love you angel x" (Gav) -- he's gone to France for the France v Wales rugby, missing him loads! lol.

"hiya luv, just got in the pub lemme know when u cumin down" (James)

"i love you x" (Gav)

"babe im in bed now, fucked. wat id do 4 u 2 b in this bed with me now ;) gudnite gorjuss x" (Gav)

"hiya luv u ok? wa u up2 en y dun u cum town x" (Hayley)

"Oh ma god well dun babe! im so plzd 4 u woohoo! x x x wen u start? x x" (Rhian)

"Orite, um i dun mind! u goin? tha rach speakin now is she? lol" (Beth)

"ur fab mun, the best! cheers babes x" (Liam)
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