me tina and karen=bffe :)
1st pic. karen and alkesta. karens being bad :(
2nd pic. group pic at tinas birhday dinner
3rd pic. alkesta, alex m, shareen, alex b, and me in dallas at six flagss
dangg that first pic, is a bad one of meee haha, we were in the bathroom?? and tina accidentally flushed the toilet. haha greatt times
aww alkesta and her manyyy faces, the emoo one :( lol i love her alottt.
1st pic. kaceeeeee tinnnaaa and karennnn at jhonny carinosss
2nd pic. alll of uss at six flags in dallass
3rd pic. alkestaaasss otherrrr face. ahh h i love herrrr.
the end kids<33