May 23, 2004 22:15
finally i get to update again.well i was in the firemans parade on friday but it started stormin really bad so we had to jump off the top of the firetruck and we got that was fun.we went to party gra and we got home then our power went out it was out til like 5pm that was so freakin hot we had our doors and windows open.we get yearbooks tommorow. me diana cody n vincent's picture should be in there but it probably didnt get in there cuz shayla said she hated it cuz she hates yeah.i hope it storms tonite.the storms are supposed to be severe but its only 40% chance.then again its been like that for the past few weeks and it wasnt even supposed to storm on friday and we were stuck out in the middle of it running down the street lol.well i gotta go.later.