Jul 15, 2004 18:41
aloha...right ok, ne way today in camp we went to hurican harbor in New Jersey...it wasn't as good as mt. creek though! that's ok...on the bus we watched the wedding planner on the way there, a little boring kind of well not really...the bus ride home is always funner though!! <--haha emma and jackie...o when we were on line for something at hurican harbor, me emma gab and sarah were in line for this tabogan thing, u didn't have to bring a tube they had them up where u got on the ride) and there was another one where you had to bring a tube from the bottom...so there was this kid walking up the other stairs with a tube and it was right next to our line so i said "watch out stand clear she's gonna jump" and then he said "your crazy"<--i think that's wat he called me i forgot, so ne way i said "i'm crazy? ur the one whos crazy ur brining a tube with u, we are just hanging out with no tube FREE HANDS!" but i think he left when i was halfway done with wat i was saying...haha then a lot of things happened on the line waiting...it was very very very long!! i'm so hungry! dinner soon i'm gonna have a snack or nap cause i'm also really really tired! so bye!
a l i <3...XoxO
p.s i don't no if u spell haily like that...doesn't really matter though!