Wow. .
i have so much to say.
This weekend was W I L D ;]
Friday- went to the game against Pound then Rashell came back here && around 8 or so Me Rashell Tim && Chris went to Norton.
Needless to say, it was fun =)
After a while, we met up with Brittany && Meisha! i love them girls dearly!!
Then, i saw Bishop = ) hehe. .
then we went to Applebees && such && i got home around 1 or so. . haha. .
Rashell Me Ev && Garith went to Norton.
I wanted to go see Brittany, Sam , Meisha && Bishop walk in to prom!
I didn't get to see Meisha though =(
&& I didn't get to see Ms. Kristen Hammonds either which sucked- i miss her =/
Sunday I went to Church && then to practice in clinchco.
Last night was wonderfully perfect. I am really happy && i dont think it's changing anytime soon =]
&& Today I got a phone call at 7:41 am just to say good morning. god, he is wonderful <3
we had a game in Wise.
We won.
now, i am tired. .. BUT- looky at all the pics =))
Type your cut contents here.
my 2 bestest friends of course = )
me ;; brittany ;; && Shell *
My other 2 bestest friends. . hehe * yayyy!
Shell ;; Sam ;; myself.
aren't they gorgeous? hehe - i ♥ them.
Brittany && Bishop.
Sam && her date- she looked so pretty!
Leigh Ann looked gorgeous- awh!*
friday night - -
Chris && me.. . hehe!
My # 1 best && me. hehe. can u tell why we're pretty much sisters? lol
being normal for once. . haha *
I love this chick.
SO yes, Rashell Paige && Brittany Danielle are possibly the most wonderful people in the world.
yayy! i have the most wondermous friends in the whole wide world.