I found a toad in my room this morning. He was sitting in a corner just watching me. Trust me when I say it's not the nicest thing to wake up to. After a few minutes of silently freaking out , I broomed him out of the room. I don't care if he was my prince charming in disguise, I just won't allow toads in my room.
So I'm allright. I arrived on Thursday in Iquitos and since then I'm slowly getting used to life here. Some things remind me of Africa but in general I'm suprised at how modern the city really is (it is a jungle city after all). It's a perfect mix between my life in Africa and my life in Spain. Which is a good thing considering I'll be staying here for the next nine months. The kids are great so far, communicating goes smoothly thanks to my Spanish, the food is nice, my bed is soft, the weather is hot but the showers are cold and I'm getting to know more and more people. In the next couple of days I just wanna find out where I can help out as a teacher. To remind me what I'm here for :)
This summer I downloaded some movies and television shows so last night I decided to watch Yossi and Jagger. I completely love that movie! It's a little heartbreaking but I love their moments together. The way Yossi smiles at everything Jagger does. Man, so cute. The setting is very cool as well, with all the snow surrounding them. Yeah, that movie just won my heart in an instant.
My internet connection kind of sucks here but I'll try to keep up with you guys. Take care!