Ah yes. We actually don't know about Saga in this story... I'm thinking of making a sequel =]!!! I'll try to start writing soon, so please look forward to it ^__^!!
And thank you very much loving it. I appreciate it a lot!!! =DDD haha yes please do so! I bet he would love it and dump Shou eventually xDDD Hehehehee~
Hehehee =DD You're welcome. Don't worry, being violent can be Goooood sometimes xDD Especially around TORA!
HAHAHAHAH!! OH noess!! Yes, I think he will let us bake some, after all, we do bake muffins which are one of the most delicious things on this Planet. Muffins with IceCream ♥_♥
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I'm thinking of making a sequel =]!!! I'll try to start writing soon, so please look forward to it ^__^!!
And thank you very much loving it. I appreciate it a lot!!! =DDD
haha yes please do so! I bet he would love it and dump Shou eventually xDDD Hehehehee~
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Hahah it actually is. Maybe, or your reading-taste (if that excists ._.') is just lovely!!
Aahww haha, okay please watch over him then! =D LAWLL Yess that window's still open anyway xDD!!
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Ohh, I do not mind at all!! I will add you back immediately ♥
-Huggles- Lovely tasteeee you have! ♥
._. I WOULD LOVE THAT!!!!! Yossh.. But instead of violating poor Tora we can take gooood care of him =D -Bakes Muffins.- ^^!
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Don't worry, being violent can be Goooood sometimes xDD Especially around TORA!
HAHAHAHAH!! OH noess!! Yes, I think he will let us bake some, after all, we do bake muffins which are one of the most delicious things on this Planet.
Muffins with IceCream ♥_♥
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My imaginations are creating something very perverted and very VERY NC-17-alike xDD~
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Yes I do =33! =DD.
true ._.' we're innocent! -cough-
Hahahah! No, I refuse. xDDD~
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