Oct 26, 2016 14:20
Is ignorance a bliss? I suppose it is because choosing to be ignorant allows to remain in a warm cocoon of prefect world where everything makes sense.
What brings this on you ask? A conversation I had with Moroccan co-worker (he is actually not a co-worker, just happened to work for the same company) about Israeli/Palestinian conflict (of course!)
He started to explain to me about:
1. The beautiful life Jews experienced in the Middle East.
I don't know mate, have you seen a documentary called "The Forgotten Refugees"? It might behoove you to watch it and listen to the Jews who were born and raised in Arab lands, and listen to what they have to say.
2. How all the problems started to happen after state of Israel came to be and they kicked out Palestinians.
Ahh, really? What the hell are you talking about? How do you explain Fahud against Jewish population of Baghdad, Iraq, on June 1-2, 1941? Or Libyan riots of 1945. Oh, and hey, by the way, did you know that Israel wasn't founded until 1948. Ops...
3. How we are all relatives and should just get along.
I am all for it, so can we start with clean and truthful premise, instead of an ignorant one?
I mean, this isn't hidden history, cousin. Google could be your best friend, go ahead, don't be afraid to become friends with it.