Sep 03, 2008 00:06
So the Republican National Convention really kicked off today, and guess what I found out?
Former Senator Fred Thompson is the same guy in Law and Order!
No wonder he gave such a moving and inspirational speech. It was good though.
I still think the Democrats are going to win the election this year. Its too bad though that we have 2 really good candidates (s/p) this year and none in 2004. If I didn't think congress needed a fresh start, something completely new, I'd probably vote for McCain. But he won't back off Iraq and I think leaving Iraq would be a huge weight lifted of Americans' shoulders.
Anyways... New Topic
Studying abroad in 10 days. Leaving a boyfriend here. Not the smartest guy and definitly not the most motivated, but he's mine. Would you try to make it work? Should I stay with him while I am abroad? Am I setting myself up for some heart ache?
He was not faithful one night, and well... I'm the biggest flirt I know. Hmmm..........