Jul 15, 2006 16:22
I want to appologise and take back anytime i have ever said anything such as "think thin " or stay strong to anyone underweight this disease kills i know that, it's killed alot of aspects of my life and alot of people in my life. We shouldn't encourage eachother-i know it's tempting, but honestly i'm becomming a hypocryte and my own worst enemy-this must stop, i'm sorry if i give the wrong impression. I do support weightloss and getting your figure to a state that makes you happy, but often with anorexia people don't reach that state-or it changes and is nolonger good enough. If you're going to do tihs then look after yourself whilst doing it.
If you're going to do it do NOT brush your teeth after- it corrodes them!
Use a gentle/ sensitive toothpaste- arm and hammer now do one that helps restore ennamel and repair damage- invvest in it's worth it
Do NOT use your hands it corrodes the skin on your knuckles and can leave unsightly scars
Calorie intake, meal times and food in general:
Eat breakfast when you're restricting, nomoatter how small, it'll boost your metabolism and increase the chance of a healthier FASTER loss. Making you less likely to be as dissatisfied with yourself and more likely to have the energy to exercise etc. and tone up.
Beware of vitamins and minerals alot of them state that they should not be taken on an empty stomach, but you need the extra "uumph!!" they provide!... so if you are going to take them then take a multivit containning B12- it absorbs; the other vitamins and minerals then helps flush the body of any un-needed extras to prevent overdosing!!***
General wellbeing emergancies/ saftey:
Make an emergency repair kit, complete with a blanket an warm jacket(or somethnng to that effect) for when your circulation is at an all time low.
Put in healthy energy restorers such as muesli or granola bars,(it is also a good idea to carry someting like this with you when you're going to be out all day- you donn't wanna collapse in front of loads of people and raise suspiscion).
Keep sachets of warm, powdered low calorie drinks (if available to you such as options hot chocolate or cadburys highlights).
Finally WATER, as we all know it's life support, keep some in there just incase you run out.
I know these tips are pretty general and obvious so if you have any other ideas or health tips or ideas
***The info. on B12 is what i was informed of by a doctor at the hospital. I do not know for certain this is true, i am just going by a medical expert's advise.
link may be available- i need to ask the video owners permission first.
Furthermore i reccomend you check out this video-it may hurt to watch but it hits home and helps spread awareness, i hope one day recovery will mean COMPLETE recovery, where you get healthier and remain at a slim weight, i know this is a hard concept to grasp as it is something many of us fear most, anyway goodluck with your goals, if you can achieve them with out serious health implications, but more importantly , take good care of yourself, provide yourself with love care and support that you deserve.
Think about an poor orphaned child, who's only parent died of a long suffering illness. The child's in pain no parents to care for them no love in their life, starved, cold ill tired and depressed beyond belief, the world is cold to them, but they look to you for love,and kindness to care for them Would you leave them in the cold? ignore them crying- this is your body, your mind gradually became too ill to care for it, don't abandon yourself-proide yourself the love you would that baby in need. You're worth so much more than this