Mar 13, 2006 15:36
Yay for once, super happy. [which might seem fucked up to nate] XD
Win picked me up this morning around 9 30 to take me to school since its WASL and shit which started my day in a good mood. blabhlabhalhbblaYGFW lots of random shit happened that isnt worth mentioning, but I said a few REAlLY dumb things today that I'd like to share with you guys XD
"Thats like the best word ever, isnt it?! *points at the screen* you just have to say it in your head when you read it!" blonde moment.
"Haha, okay name whats good about me.
but dont compliment me."
"Neetu: I think Im starting to get a lisp again.
Me: HAHA, as you have a lisp machine.
Me: What the fuck am I talking about?!"
haha, good day. now that I sound like a spaz.
I dont have to go to school tomorrow or thursday because with the fucked up schedule I'd have 2nd, 4th and 6th. Both 2nd and 4th ar the same teacher and I dont do anything in there, and I dont have a 6th period so my teacher said I could stay home :) :)