Schume has replied to my email and answered to my questions about Honeydew Syndrom !
I'm so happy I could DIE ! Srsly.
Now I almost know what to think about the relationship between Jay and Charles.
Thank you, thank you !! ♥
LOL. What a post of a fangirl...
If it could help, I'm putting the questions and answers in my post~
1) Did/does Charles love May ? If not, then did/does he have some feelings for Jay ?
Whether Charles loves May or not, we'll let you decide that. Jay seems to think there's a little more going on than friendship, but that could also just be because Charles' only real friend is May, and he's fine with it staying that way. We'll let you decide what you want to think. ;) As far as Jay goes, it's hard to say. Charles really likes messing with Jay's head, but even if he does like him, they would make a horrible couple, in my opinion, and they'd constantly fight.
2) When Jay talks to Eric at night (well, we can say it's morning ! XD) about Charles, is it after the party ?
Jay's conversation with Erik was after the party.
3) And why was Charles sad/pissed at the party ? Is it because of what Jay said to him about never be able to beat Josh ?
It's quite possible that Charles is mad at the party because of what Jay said to him. Why he's mad is debatable, though. He could either be mad because Jay grew some balls and belittled Charles (which Charles is definitely not used to or happy about) or Charles is upset about May's obvious attention to Josh, and Josh's obvious crush on May. We'll let you choose that one too, though I'm leaning more towards Charles being mad about Jay telling him off.
Well, hope that answers your questions. Sorry, if some of it seems unclear. We like our readers to be able to interpret thing how they want to. Stay sexy!