This quiz is like a plague...

May 31, 2005 15:07

My typist insisted that I take this quiz. I suppose it's somewhat accurate. Although, I fail to see how answering a few questions on this computer-thing is supposed to tell you so much about me. *Sniffs* But I suppose I do enjoy helping others, and I am a bit misunderstood by most people.

Typist: Awww...Minnie, you know we all love you! You always try to help others even when your help isn't always wanted.... And I suppose you are a bit misunderstood. Everyone thinks you're this cold, stern old woman, but you have a softer side, just like everyone else. You have feelings too, gosh darnit!

You Are The Wayfarer Guide
"I'll show you the way."
Your deep insight and quick wisdom never ceases to amaze those around you. You are the guiding light for many of those you know and are not afraid to help anyone else who asks. Not very many acknowledge your tremendous help and effort, but you do not mind that so much. You've seen what is in store for them, and will be there should they need your help. You enjoy people in general, but are very selective of who you let see the real you. Others see you as an enigma of sorts, a mystery that is seemingly ever changing.

Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?
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