(no subject)

May 17, 2005 19:02

My typist has insisted that I answer these questions. I certainly don't approve of giving out such personal information for just anyone to read. However, she is being rather insistent, so

1. Full name: Professor Minerva McGonagall
2. Nickname(s): Professor, Minerva, and....certain individuals have at times called me Minnie, though I forbid any of you to take up the habit.
3. Eyes: Blue
4. Height: 5'5"
5. Hair: Long and black with some gray, usually in a bun and covered by my hat
7. Do you like to sing in the shower? No. I don't sing
8. Do you like to sing on the toilet? *Blinks* What kind of ridiculous question is that?
9. Birthday: October 4th
10 Sign: Libra, not that I actually believe in such rubbish
11. Address: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in the United Kingdom, although I can't tell you exactly where
13. Righty or lefty: I am right-handed
14. What do you want in a relationship most? By this question, I assume you mean romantic relationships? *sighs* I am not exactly searching for a relationship. However, I would desire someone who is trustworthy, loyal, sensible, and intelligent
15. Have you ever cheated?: On a man? Certainly not! I'm not some young tart!
16. Do you have a car?: One of those Muggle contraptions? *Snorts* Certainly not. What would I need one for? I'm quite capable of Apparating, traveling by floo or port-key, or using my broom.
18.What kind of car do you want? Like I said before, I don't NEED a car.
19. Movie/s: I don't waste my time with Muggle films...unless of course it's a good old black-and-white one, a Shakespeare adaptation, or a musical from my youth...in particular, Judy Garland movies...
21. Band/singer: I don't listen to music much. When I do, it's generally either classical music or jazz
22. TV Shows: I honestly haven't the time to deal with that silly Muggle toy
24. Actor/s: I don't really have one...Judy Garland
25. Food: I can't really pick just one; my mother made the most delicious traditional Scottish food when I was a young girl. I often long for it, even though the Hogwarts house-elves manage to make quite palatable food.
26. Number/s: Tut-tut. What a moronic and pointless question.
27. Letter/s: I suppose M because of my initials
28. Cartoon: How childish!
29. Comic: See above
30. Color/s: Green, or Scarlet and Gold
31. Do you plan on having children: *Glares* I am well past child-bearing age, thank you very much.
33. How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: *Sighs impatiently*
34. How old do you wanna be when your married: At this point in my life I'm no longer thinking about marriage. And you spelled "you're" wrong.
36. Do you have a b/f or g/f: *Makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like a growl* NO.
37. Do you have a crush? *is speechless*...*blushes*...Um, next question, please...
38. Music/TV: Music
39. Guys/Girls: If you mean romantic interest, then men
40. Green/Blue: Blue
41. Pink/Purple: Purple...really, what is the point of these questions?
42. Summer/Winter: Winter. I must admit, I really enjoy the snow and Christmastime atmosphere
43. Night/Day: Night - I don't have to deal with the misbehavior of my students...usually...
44. Hangin Out/Chillin: *Blinks* What???
45. Dopey/Funny: I suppose funny
46. Weird saying I have: I don't believe I have any.
47. What school do you go to? I teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
49. What's a major turn on for you?: *Groans* I really don't intend to share this with anyone...ever Typist: *whisperCHIVALRYwhisper* And she looooves intelligence.
50. How far would you go on a first date?: *Impatiently* Oh, I don't know! Honestly!
51. PEOPLE...: Yes? What do you want?
52. Which 3 people do you trust the most?
1. Dumbledore
2. Severus Snape
3. Myself
53. What do you think of soul mates? *Sighs* I suppose there could be such a thing
55. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about: I'd rather not say
57. Are you happy?: Right now? I suppose
58. Why?: I don't seem to have any serious problems at the moment; of course I have things on my mind, but I'm not unhappy.
60. Love or lust: Love
63. Sunset or sunrise: I do enjoy watching the sunset over the Hogwarts grounds. It's beautiful
64. Have you ever gone skinny dipping: Certainly not!
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Oh, really...
66. Do you have any piercings: No
67. What color underpants are you wearing right now? *Blushes* That's NONE of any of your business
68. What song are you listening to right now?: "Chariot" by Gavin Degraw. My typist's choice, not mine.
69. Digits of your phone number: *Snorts* I don't have one.
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: *Sighs impatiently* Let's say I was going on a trip, not necessarily a honeymoon. In that case, I'd like to see Paris.
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Like I'd tell you?
72. What do you notice first about a guy/girl?: If they have anything intelligent to say worth listening to
73. Favorite sport?: Quidditch, of course! *Smiles* Go Gryiffindor!
74. What makes you happy?: Seeing my students succeed, and of course, seeing Gryffindor win the House Cup/Quidditch Cup
75. What's the next CD(s) you're gonna get? *Shrugs her shoulders*
76. Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Glasses
77. The best advice given to you?: If at first you don't succeed, try again.
78. Have you ever won any special awards?: As a student I was a prefect, I received a scholarship to study Transfiguration before I became a teacher, and I was awarded the post of deputy headmistress by Dumbledore.
79. What are your future goals?: I'd like to continue teaching for a while and I'd like to do some traveling.
80. Worst sickness you ever had?: I had a mild case of dragon pox in my 3rd year of school at Hogwarts.
81. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? I much prefer Funny movies, as long as they are tastefully humorous (not like the rubbish some of my students watch). I can use all the humor I can get, after my long days of dealing with whining and disrespectful students.
82. the phone or in person?: I would change this to "A letter or in person." And I prefer direct person-to-person contact, so that everything that needs to be discussed is taken care of.
83. Hugs or kisses?: ...
84. What song seems to reflect you the most?: Merlin, I don't know!
85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?: I suppose the school
86. Have you ever been so upset you can't remember anything?: I suppose we all have at some point in life, including myself, but I try to maintain calm and competence in the face of extreme stress or danger.
87. What is your greatest fear?: Failure, or anything dreadful happening to my students and colleagues (what with You-Know-Who back in power)
88. Are you getting fed up with this survey? Yes, to be blunt
89. What time is it in Albania now?: *Raises an eyebrow* And how does that concern me?
90. Have you ever been in love?: *Sighs* Yes...
91. Have you met Santa?: What? That fat Muggle man who dresses up in a red suit on Christmas Eve? Surely you're joking?
92. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign and asked you to use your phone, what would you do?: Who? I don't own a phone, so I'd have to turn Mr. E.T., whoever he is, away.
93. Last time you talked to the person that you like/love was?: I'm not sure...I mean, not that there is anyone that fits that description...*averts her eyes*
94. Do you have any pets?: No. I don't have time to care for an animal.
95. What's your email address?: x_mcgonagall_x@hotmail.com
96. Last time you were depressed was?: Years ago.
97. Are you an alcoholic? Absolutely not.
98. Who sent this to you?: My typist
99. What do you think of this person?: She's...well, she's an interesting young lady. She's kindhearted, as well as hardworking and intelligent, although she tends to procrastinate a bit too much. And she's prone to these rather odd fits of fangirlishness, especially when she encounters Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Maurice Hall, Alec Scudder, Aziraphale, Crowley, and Lord Hamlet. *Sniffs* Odd, yes, I know.
100. Do you want your friends to re-post this?: It doesn't matter. To be honest, it's a bit of a waste of time. If I really want to know something about any of my "friends" I'll ask them myself instead of relying on silly internet questionaires.
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