Look Who's Back On the Saddle Again

Aug 06, 2005 14:44

I'm Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Oh Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but i did not just come bak for vaction or anything. I just haven't been a part of the whole computer thingy like posting and such. it because i got a job back in the begining of May @ Target The Nesh 1. I am a TPS which is security for those of u i havent told. Well ever since i got that job i havent been posting on any of the wrestling boards that at 1 time kept me from going insane a few years back.I havent been on DeadJournal LiveJournal or Deviant Art whatsoever but i realized that i should come back and tell you people or at least write down my daily antics of what happens to your truly and that is me. I Gradurated High School and i just started getting behind the wheel and im getting money out of the butt ,but im not spending it too much because im one of those money buring hole in pocket type of guyz so i put most of my money in the bank.besides that. I went down the shore with my gf last week end. O how i love her sooo much but we got to find some new stuff to do except being over each others houses. that will change. i also am attending CCP in the fall and it will be lovely. i had a wicked grad party in the mid of july and i will do my best the rest of this august to hang out with my MFers or friends for that matter.because i havent done soo that much. and i feel very badly,but once i have that car it there will be no stopping me.besides that im going to warped tour in less than a week and oo btw MATT HARDY vs.EDGE @ SUMMERSLAM. I cant wait.im going to work in a hour and dont forget to check out my myspace. soo this is the many of new entries in the Bag the MAL Bag MAL standing for MATTHEW ALAN LAUDERBACK...............lol get it MAL BAG........NARley

alll this with a Pinch of Mattitude
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