((Stolen From Chelsea))

Aug 25, 2004 23:49

01. What grade are you entering: 10 02. What time does school start this year: 7:20  03. What time does school get out: 1:50 04. Have you done all of your 'back to school' shopping: Fuck Yo Couch Nigga... Hell NAW! 05. Are you excited to be going back: A little. I love the Fall, That's why.  06. What class did you miss the most: French 07. What person did you miss the most: Gamache... That kid is so great. 08. Which class is your hardest this year: America in the 1960's. 09. Which class is your easiest: Play Production, nig. 10. Which class is your favorite: French. 11. Which teacher is going to be your favorite: Antil or Nelson... Tie! 12. Still riding the bus, or driving: I bum a ride from my sister. 13. Plan on changing your 'image' this year?: Fuck no Nig... I'm 'fashionable' all on my own! 14. What's your number one goal for this year: Get through it, and Get good grades. 15. How long will it take for you to be sick of school again: After the first week. 16. Any of your friends in your lunch period?: My sister... :) 17. What 'group' do you belong to at school: It's between the cool kids and the not so cool kids. Hah. We don't have groups. 18. Happy with that? Or sad:  
Happy... We're all just, ourselves.
19. Are you trendy? Coolest kid in school. New clothes maybe:
I've got my own sense of style. Sick to say, I'm fucking fashionable.
20. Who are you going to try to befriend this year:
Everyone but the new freshmen. I hate those bitches. 21. Still staying up until 2am and sleeping to noon?:

Yes. I sleep til about 11:59 though. 22. What time are you going to have to wake up:
6:00 23. Afternoon naps, or no?: Sometimes. 24. Do you plan on attending the football games?: Maybe... To see Wilson start the 3rd as Q.B.  25. Do you plan on attending the dances?: Homecoming.SHYEA!
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