Nov 21, 2004 01:04
TodAy: i woke up late b/c last night was one of the best night ever!
But im not goin to make you jelous of me and my girls! allie sam brig binkz lisa and carina
We had smf! runnin around 'truth or dare' stripin and everything else! lmafao ilugsfm!
And today after i woke up i took a longg shower! and then went to Binkz's
we came back 2 my house n chilled for a while. The i went to allie's cuzin's
[NiCoLe] saw narissa and did nuttin to exciting. but allie got really pissed
because people love to talk *cough*[AlLiSoN]*cough*
Well that's it .. ChEcK bAk <33