
Nov 17, 2004 17:44

So this week has been rather trying so far... but I'm working through it... I think.

The Sanguine Longs for Attention and Approval

The Sanguine who appears on the surface to be happy in any situation is, underneath, longing for attention, acceptance, and approval. Sanugines need to know they are loved and that you accept them just as they are. They want an audience who applauds and they wilt under criticism and poor reviews. What happens when the Sanguine doesn't get his needs met? As a child he will do whatever it takes to get attention, often becoming too loud, too annoying and too much of a show-off.

The Melancholy is a Perfectionist

The Melancholy above all others craves a mate who will be senstive to his deepest inner needs, and yet he tends to marry a Sanguine who doesn't even think of digging below the surface. As the Melancholy get depressed, the Sanguine turns to happy people plunging the melancholy deeper into the pit where he awaites someone with sesitivity to rescue him. The Melancholy wants someone who is thoughful, caring and sensitive. The Melancholy is a perfectionist who must have his life in order and hopefully everyone else's as well.

The Melancholy also has a deep need to be understood and longs for others to repsond with sensitivity to his inner struggles and to commiserate with him over flip comments made by shallow people attempting to be funny. The Melancholy is unwilling to express his needs, and he throws others into a constant guessing game. This personality is the deepest and most difficult.

The Choleric Wants to be Appreciated
Because the Choleric appears to have life under control, his mate, usually Phlegmatic, does't sense he's craving appreciation for "all he's done." Some Cholerics only want to play games they can win, they will avoid any place where they are looked at as loseers.
Because the Choleric is a born leader, he has the need to see things accomplished and has a metnal progress list stored in his brain. He assumes others both need and want instrustion and feels those who aren't marching to his drumbeat are lazy. The Cholerics workaholic nature appears self-satisfied, but much of what he does in inwardly a cry for recognition.

The Phlegmatic Just wants Respect

Because the Phlegmatic is a low-key person, the mate often takes him or her for granted. As one wife said to her Phlegmatic husdand, "I hardly notice he's there, for he and the couch have become one." A busy Choleric wife tends to pass the Phlegmatic husband by in a hurry and think, because he's quiet and undemanding, he has no needs. It is true that Phlegmatic can become content in whatsoever state he's in, but after a while he wonders if he matters at all. One Phlegmatic man stated about his wife and family, "It's like they are on some great team and I'm in the last fow of the grandstand."

The Phlegmatic has no compulsions and will avoid problems whenever possible and quietly face those they can't get around. This personality says "I have to think about it" to postpone and stall. It's not that he doesn't want to think about it, he doesn't want to act.

I got all my information from the book Your Personality Tree by Florence Littauer

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