this entry is going to be sad. because i am sad and sick.
so ... this week has been revelation week. because ms. coffin wasn;t here, we had to write about that quote. i don't remember the quote ... but it made me really analyze how much i get used. i always listen; its what i do best. but ... do you care what i think? i have a very select few friends who do really care. the essay showed me that. i have a lot of friends that just talk and talk and never let a word get in edgewise. and then i have friends who don't ... really care anymore. i also realize that i have anger problems. i realized some more things, like that i worry too much, and that, no matter what, everyone is underappreciated. i also realized that marocco really is cruel to some people. its sad really. i wish we could take honors history to prepare for the test. the other bitch in my life currently is physics, not the class, not the teacher ... but the concepts. i hate it. why do we care about the measure of mu? how is a lawyer going to need that kind of information? dad wants me to sign up for SATs soon. next week is going to be amazing. i love it already. then another week, ... then thanksgiving. i love it. the day after halloween is the beginning of my favorite time of year. is it too early to listen to chrismas songs yet? nahhh. i was singing them in the middle of october. but that's beside the point.
certain people make me really sad lately.
i should take a pic of my physics notes and post it. its amusing and you would get a kick out of it.
here's your new task:
tell me what you think of me:
the nice stuff -> not so nice stuff (don't worry, i can take it)-> thanks bunchess. and i'll post more later. i think im going to do some meme stuff. if that's cool wit u.