Jun 28, 2009 01:27
(,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:ゴルァ!! Goddamit!!! ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
I was in a dead sleep only to be woken up by one of my roommates. There reason: "Can I have the rest of your burger?" WTF?!
「(゚ペ) Of all the freaken reasons to wake me up?
Just get the freaken burger!
Now, not only can't I NOT go back to sleep, I'm now nauseous as fuck, ready to puke my ass off, and irritable as freaken hell. Thanks roomie... \(--)/ not...
I know it seems like a stupid ass reason to be mad, but seriously... Waking me up just to ask if you can have leftover burger... just take the damn thing. If I wanted the rest of it, I would have stored it away and not left it on the table for someone to get it. Gawd I feel like crap right now. I swear if my roommate wasn't a friend, I would most likely have (>_<)○------(^o^)○
Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ beat the shit out of them. Freaken adrenaline. No outlet... _| ̄|○ All I need is a headache and the feeling of utter shitness will be complete.
*disgard the typos*