Apr 21, 2006 20:49
I was asked the other day ‘so, anything new with you?’ Twice, by two different people. Both because I hadn’t spoken to them in a while. I replied with a simple ‘not really, same old same old.’ then it hit me.
My life is really boring at the moment. I don’t get it. I mean it’s fine, it’s great actually. ‘Cause there is nothing major wrong in my life. It just simply, is.
But that’s a problem. If nothing is happening you have to ask what is the point. Maybe I’m reading way too into it but still.
Maybe it’s just the holidays. No stability for more that two weeks can do that sort of thing.
Either way, I need something to happen. A Change. Been feeling like something’s not quite right. But I really don’t know what.
I have pigged out so much today. ‘Cause yesterday me and my sister finally had some time to actually watch our box sets. Then my friends came round and we did our usual Thursday night routine (Ahhh, I fell asleep during ‘The Princess bride’) and it was Friday. After many persuading grunts I go out of bed.
Then my sister came round, with, what can only be describes as the biggest bag or JUNK made to man (slight exaggeration) So now I feel like my stomach might explode but on the plus side I watched more of my DVDs.
Shame though, should have gone out and enjoyed the weather.
I love Winter. There’s something about it that makes me feel, I dunno, warm. And it changes people, the cold weather. In a good way. The point being, as much as I love Winter…. I can’t wait till summer.
I just listened to the best. Guitar. Solo. Evar. 16 seconds of pure genius and sexiness. Mm mm.
best guitar solo ever!,
junk food,