Now this is quite crazy.
I had an old box under my bed full of Backstreet Boys merch that I've had since I was 13. It's been sat there... in the box.. under the bed, for the past 5 years. Finally in 2000 at 16 years of age I gave up on being a teeny bopper crap collector and put it all away. Now this box was filled with calenders, magazine specials, a few books, fanclub newsletters, a sticker album, a mug, a cap, a dogtag, a wallet, a photograph album/collection and some other junk I may have forgotten about.
Last week I decided to drag it all out and shove it on ebay. One step closer to getting rid of all my unwanted junk in my room and maybe a few extra pounds in the bank for my poor student fund. This all resting on the suspicion that there would still be old BSB fans around who wanted some junk or a new generation of fans from the bands recent come back. All together I put up about 18 auctions.
Today was the last day of the auctions. And WOW... there was a mad last minute rush on a lot of the items and some sold for whopping and silly ammounts.
The photo album that I never quite finished: The book which cost me about £8: Some old magaine specials and an unfinished sticker book: The 'local market' wallet: Dogtag from the concert: And an old calender: LOOK at those final prices. And those were just the ones that made stupid ammounts of money. The others were all pretty good aswell.
Made over £100 from it all. I'm really really chuffed about it actually.
Now I wanna get my 80+ collection of Beanie Babies up for sale. If anyone knows anyone who's interested in them, let me know. I'm keeping some because I love them so much and some because they were gifts, but I need money and they need loving homes so I want to sell the others. They're all well looked after with the plastic tag protectors and such. And some are quite old, retired many moons ago beanies. I also have a huge amount of the collector cards and some of the Teeny Beanies. Jeez... to be 12 again.