May 17, 2004 00:39
Just back form Story of the Year and thought I might as well update as I ahven't been doing so much lately.
Lazed about and guitar playing was to be had, come evening went to cinema with Jaye to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind not your average movie but rather good. Walked about town for a while after met Brian on his way to meet Sharlene at central with dog on tow, which gets so much female attention it's not funny Jaye so wanted it wasted time further, went to borders and such then eventually headed home.
Went to cathouse, where it was an unusual night to say the least. Apart from other things I got a headache, felt sick and had a total lack of energy which asn't too much fun but did have some major cheerng up and ended on a good note which I wasn't expecting.
Looned about in the non crappy sunny weather for a while then went to to the Story of the Year gig with Ryan and met JB and Toni there. Backup bands were ok nothing special. Seen a few familiar faces inside and had a good night great atmosphere and Story were amazing live. Came out Ryan and me nabbed a cardboard flyer thing each, trotted home came on pc and here I am.
I have the distinct feeling of hunger I think I will raid the kitchen then maybe get some shut-eye...