[Name♥] Justine
[Age♥] 18
[Location♥] Medway, Ma
[Sexual Preference♥] I like boys ;)
[Significant other (pic?)♥ Meet Tom, the boy <3
..and his stapler <3
[Favorite Bands 10+♥] (not in order) My Chemical Romance, Story of the Year, Letterkills, Adair, Underoath, Taking Back Sunday, new Sum 41, Frou Frou, Keane, The Shins, The Used, Stutterfly..and many more ;)
[Favorite Genre of Music♥] hardcore/punk/emo a lil bit of everything :)
[Favorite Show you have been to♥] Story of the Year last April rocked my socks.. and then some
[Favorite Lyric♥] "Hey unloving, I will love you"
[Spare Time Killers♥] Driving around with a carload of friends, nowhere to go, and a good song on the radio <3
[Random Likes♥] Snapple Facts, art, music, love, myspace, going to shows, my friends <333
[Random Dislikes♥] pulp in my Oj! >:( Liars, Smelly people, the gross pizza from school
[Soemthing Interesting about you♥] I have a twin sis named Kait and we're both going to college in Worcester next year :)
[Tell us or show us something and make us laugh♥] I once thought I was in Maine having only driven 30-45 mins. um, I live about 3 hours away. yeah, that's not funny, maybe I should come back to that one. :/
[What makes you worthy of our emo love? I think that I have alot in common with alot of people in here and I've never tried to join a community like this before and I want to be active in something and this was what sparked my interest.
(Say something creative you fuck heads)♥] THIS COMMUNITY ROCKS HARDCORE
and the mods are very pretty :)
[A direct link to two communities you promoted us to♥]
[A Few Pics of yourself♥]
I was blonde not too long ago
I like to play with picssss hehe
no makeup :/
me and Jordan from Stutterfly xoxoxoxo
[Picture with a proofs sign (NO PAINT/PHOTOSHOPing♥]
eww all the pics I take with my camera come out soo bad. I'll take another one tomorrow when I'm bored in school
so yeah, the end :)