[Name♥] Jen
[Age♥] 14
[Location♥] Lakeland, Florida
[Sexual Preference♥] Bi-sexual
[Significant other (pic?)♥]Tyler
That is my lovely boyfriend, Tyler. He asked me to be his girlfriend sunday night.
[Favorite Bands 10+♥] alexisonfire, Myla, dyingfordecemeber, meaneither, suicide kings, odie, juliana theory, underoath, from autumn to ashes, funeral for a friend, copeland, mewithoutyou, Thursday, further seems forever, death cab for cutie, the velvet underground, bright eyes and more...
[Favorite Genre of Music♥]emo/ screamo
[Favorite Show you have been to♥] Myla's
[Favorite Lyric♥] "Consider this a threat, It's not fucking fake. I've told you once, get out of my face. You're just gonna push me over the edge.. the edge..."
- consider this a threat, Myla
[Spare Time Killers♥] Bass, my band, live journal, aim, friends and eating.
[Random Likes♥] bass, writing, shows, music, friends, livejournal, off-white, glasses, cutting hair and soccer.
[Random Dislikes♥] Cocky people, Stupid things, things that don’t make sense, Miles, People at school, the kids that stereotype kids without knowing them.
[Soemthing Interesting about you♥]
[Tell us or show us something to make us laugh♥]
One day my ex boyfriend, James and I were on a boat. Then suddenly he leaned in to kiss me, when the boat tipped over and we both fell in. Soaking we, all of a sudden he screamed "my pants fucking ripped!"
Today at school Miles took My friends and my fake suicide note, and gae it to the dean. We told him it was a jokeand then he yelled ta us for like30 minutes, all of a sudden he says, "girls go back to class this is so stupid. I don't think you are suicidal, and if you are then you're crazy." But now I have workdetail for 4 straight weeks for that gay note.
[What makes you worthy of our emo love?
(Say something creative you fuck heads)♥]
I actually don't know. I'm not very special, I have low self-esteem, and everything, so maybe you should just feel pitty on my poor soul. Actually no, no pitty, go as hard on me as you will because I'm a loser.
[A direct link to two communities you promoted us to♥]
she_rocks_hard [2]
whorexcorexxx [A Few Pics of yourself♥]
[Picture with a proofs sign (NO PAINT/PHOTOSHOPing)♥]
i really like this. sorry it's photoshopped.
This part is no part of my application...
These pictures are form a while ago. I look like crap in them all. But I gave them to you anways. Oh and toall you who already voted me no. The mod stamped me on accident so she told me to post my application again. So please don't say your answer based on what you said last time, unless you still feel the same way.