we were b0th s0o y0ung nd iit felt s0 riight

Aug 21, 2004 21:28

l0nq suurveyy !

Basic Info
1. Your Name: rebecca
2. Your Nickname: becca
3. Your Birthday: sept. 4th
4. Your Age Now: alm0st thiirteen!
5. Your Location: mass.
6. School Grade: 7th
7. Sex: giirl ; )
8. Zodiac Sign: viirgo

About Me
1. Hair Color: diirty bl0nde.. but br0wn
2. Eye color: br0wn
3. Skin color: whiite
4. Height: ii dun0
5. Shoe size: uhm.. idk
6. Do you care about the way you look?: s0metiimesz.. =\
7. Do you get tanned?: yeah.. s0mtiimesz
8. Do you have big ears?: n0pee...
9. Do you have contacts or glasses?: neiither

Have I Ever...
1. Eaten an entire box of Oreo's?: n0pe
2. Gotten in a car accident?: a liidle 0ne
3. Watched "Punky Brewster"?: wtf iis punky brewster?
4. Hiked a mountain?: no
5. Death Valley on horseback?: no?
6. Stayed home on a Saturday night just because?: probably

In the Past Week Have I...
1. Cried?: yesssh !
3. Cut your hair?: yeah
4. Worn a skirt?: probably
5. Worn a tie?: no?
6. Been mean?: idk maybe?
7. Been sarcastic?: probablyy
8. Gone for a walk?: yeah all tha time
9. Gone out for dinner?: i dont think so.. mcdonaldsz maybe
10. Met someone new?: i dont think so
11. Taken a test?: nope
12. Talked to an ex: yea
13. Missed an ex?: yeah...
14. Hugged someone?: yeah
15. Kissed someone?: no
16. Danced with someone?: nope
17. Had a nightmare?: noooope
18. Fought with your parents?: yesh

01. What color are your walls?: piink
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets: pinkish
03. What color is your rug?: i dont have a rug
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room?: nope =\
05. Do you have a TV? Is it big: nopee
06. Do you have a phone?: no
07. Do you have your own computer?: not really
08. Do you have a desk?: yeah
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room?:uhm.. idk
10. What are your most favorite things in your room?: clothesz nd bedd
11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room?: yeah

01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?: wake uhp?
02. Anything unusual?: no..?
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school?: no
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school?: if im not lazy

// SCHOOL //
01. What color is your backpack?: im getting a new one 8)
02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work?: sometimesz
03. Do you listen or doodle?: both
04. BE QUIET - we all know you doodle, but what do you doodle?: stuff?
05. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out?: i bring lunch
06. What do you do right when schools over?: hang out with frendsz

// HOME //
When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable?: yeah
02. Happy?: eh
03. Tired? yeah
04. LEAVE ME ALONE?: yess

// OTHER //
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes?: yeah
02. What are some hobbies of yours?: idk going out
03. Do you collect anything?: nah
04. What do you do in your spare time?: computer
05. Are you in love, or at least falling?: both =\..

01. What do you do before you go to bed?: brush my teeeth

02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"?: goodnight

03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)?: idk..?
04. Do you like your life?: sometimesz..

Last cigarette: nnnnnnnnone
Last car ride: this morning
Last kiss: idk
Last good cry: not long ago.. like a couple night.. for whut idk why
Last library book checked out: noooo idea
Last movie seen: uuuuhhhh i forget
Last book read: harry potter haha
Last cuss word uttered: mm i donno
Last beverage drank: dr pepper
Last food consumed: sub
Last crush: rrricky..
Last phone call: idk i dont like talking on tha fone
Last TV show watched: olympicsz
Last time showered: this morning and im gunna take one soon
Last shoes worn: sneakersz
Last CD played: jessica simpson
Last item bought: pants
Last downloaded: idk
last annoyance: urrrrgh.. 2 people - no comment -
Last disappointment: today.. again i dont know why
Last soda drank: right now
Last thing written: the ryan cabrera song
Last key used: g
Last word spoken: uhm.. cant
Last sleep: last night
Last IM: tara
Last sexual fantasy: uhm.. noooo?
Last weird encounter: huh
Last ice cream eaten: uhhh idk
Last time amused: probably like last night by cern or bonnie
Last time wanting to die: uhmm...
Last time in love: ...................
Last time hugged: last night =)
Last time scolded: idk?
Last time resentful: idk
Last chair sat in: my computer chair
Last lipstick used: i dont use lipstick
Last show attended: uhh idk
Last web page visited: livejournal

1. Color: pink
2. Song: idddddddkkk..
3. Band: idk
4. Thing to do: hang out with my friends
5. Sports team: cocser
6. Holiday: chrismas
7. Day of the week: idk

1. Where were you born?: in a nursing center
2. What is your birthdate?: idk
3. What are your parents' names?: elanor and john

1) What's your sign?: already asked me?
2) How often do you dream?: everynight?
3) Do you dream in black/white or in color or both?: color
4) What do you dream about?: everythinnnnnnng =\
5) When you dream, do you see what's happening in a character's view or camera type view?: im not so sure..
6) What is your character usually in your dreams?: uhmmmm..... i forget
7) Do you daydream?: sometimesz
8) Have you ever dreamt about a guy/girl?: yeah?
9) Do you find this stuff interesting?: of course.. whutever ur talkin bout but ok?
10) Everyone likes a guy/girl. How many hours/minutes do you think about them each day?: everrrrrryyyyy second
11) Do you think about anything more often than you think about God?: well yeah..
12) Do you think about magic/magical things often?: nope
13) Do you ever write stories?: no?
14) If so, do you ever get to the middle of it then it just seems to make no sense or have no plot so u just give up?: uhmm
15) Do you believe in magic?: nope
16) Do you believe we have an undiscovered sixth sense?: why not
17) Do you have deja vous often?: yeahhh all tha time
18) Do you ever dream about something then it happens later that month?: yeah this sounds cheesy but it has happened before
19) Do you ever watch a movie you've never seen before, but recognize some of the scenes/group of lines?: no thatd be freaky
20) Do you believe that people can slightly communicate with different dimensions/worlds?: woahh.. confused?
21) What do you think about at night?: uhhhhh...
22) Do you believe in life in the universe?: huh
23) Has this survey been interesting to you?: not really
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