(no subject)

Nov 15, 2005 18:51

Hey kiddies,

well, here the low down.

I leave for texas, from my house, at 5 in the morning, however sleep is not in my near future, so i doubt it will be early. I have yet to finish packing, which is not all that great. I have to wake up at 4:15, thats only if i do finally get to sleep. Its so hard to believe. I ave been counting down forever, and i am in tears thinking about finally seeing her. I miss her. But for five days, florida will be a distant memory. I guess, essentially, im packing up my whole life in one bag to bring to texas. I have to show her everything. Finally, however, it will be like old times, the times wish i could have back, and for 5 days i will, but there will also e new things. Plus i have been dieing to give her the pants (look back to posts in june) God, the are insane, and awesome, and i love them. I'm just, uhg . . . tired. I'm tired of waiting, tired of missing her, tired of being so excited i want to puke. I'm tired and i just want a hug from my best friend. Not "*hugs*" i want a real hug. I want to tackle her in the Dallas Ft. Worth airport. I want to scream so loud that i die. I want to be free from all this crap tha has been hanging over my head for so long. And best part is, im ready. I cant believe its happening,it hasnt quite sunk in completely yet, but when it does, i'll be ready. I'll be ready to find myself again, the [person i left back in texas from the last time. The person i used to be, the one with none of my episodes, with no bad habits . . well, some . . . but not as bad as they have become. I want that person back, and i know where that person is, on the aero bed infront of the bathroom in katherine Anne Stroh's bedroom. I want to find herand bring that mysterious person home, the one i have lost. Not only am i going back in my m,ind, but im going back to things we did before we changed.
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