Why am I doing a commentary for such a random-ass little thing? Because I used commentaries to track what I've proof-read on Ao3. Also rabid completism. Carry on.
One Sentence Fic Meme
Obviously I stretched 'One Sentence' to the breaking point...
Man, stuff like Angst is the Respectable But Dull gen-fic I will neeeever actually write.
AU is from the fully-plotted Delgado!Master/Five human AU where they teach at Cambridge in like 2500 CE. I like the idea and the plot and the emotional maturity I think underlies it (what begins as a Getting Together story quickly becomes a marriage story, then a divorce, long aftermath, and only at the end a coming-back-together narrative), but I think it'd become my 'Meanwhile': good, and I'd be invested, but it'd be SO AU, and so long, that people might lose interest (hell, in fandom now? *What* people?). And I'm not quite strong enough as a writer or person to want to get things out of my head just for myself--I'll leave them to live within me, unless I think a few people will give a shit, so it's not just purely self-indulgent to do so. I think this is a mark of crapness about me as a writer, because we're told Real Artists Don't Care, but then again I think Real Artists are a collection of bullshit generalities draped over a structure composed of equal parts under-examined privilege and preciousness, so.
Crossover--Look, if I've said it's my dream to write or read a Picard/Q & Doctor/Master fic in which the Time Lords become the continuum and Q is The D/M's kid or grandkid (SO MUCH SENSE, IT WOULD MAKE! SO MUCH AWESOME, IT COULD BE!) once, I've said it a thousand times. And I was always right.
Death--weirdly, I could almost see this being canon. And not like, super slashy canon, just--an Unbound, or something.
Episode-Related: Terminus, Utopia--probably robbed off Gritsinmisery's Come to Utopia
Fluff is a /weak/ effort on my part.
Humor: I also keep saying Donna, Tegan's niece, how good would it be.
Smut: I have VERY NEARLY written 'five times eight lost his memory and shagged the Master and one time he didn't'. I mean I've plotted it. I just like the idea a lot, but it seemed kind of syrupy, even for me.
the fried singing-fish course--LOVE IT!
But MAN the punctuation in the last one is difficult to sustain.
My Little Who Fandom
WHAT COULD I POSSIBLY SAY ABOUT THIS?! Nothing. Other than that I love Madeline Kahn, and Galatea looks a bit like her? Also she's in the MLP film, which I never watched at least 20 times as a child, because that is a thing that did not happen. (Nothing Can Stop the Smooze!)
Lickety Split was an entry on an 'MLP or porn actress?' site, where you had to guess which category a name fell into (it was super difficult). The tone varies in self-awareness/snark during this--who cares it's like a paragraph. But still.