i haven't listened to the raincloud man yet, but the other six and charleys are much better than the condemned. and lots of other things too. they're genuinely pretty awesome (i've told you this already, but i like to feel as if i comment and stuff). as is 'he jests at scars' (mmm, valeyard-y) which i've just finished listening to. i do like six.
incidnetally, one wonders whether a nice thesaurus wouldn't have helped you with 'occluded' which seems rather unnecessarily obscure, when 'locked away' or whatever, would have done fine :p
oh, here's a real point: charley's worried that she didn't originally travel with six and that therefore she would be changing time, thus causing herself not to exist and more dmaage to the web of time (the time lords don't like her much anyway). which is bollocks, obviously, because either the doctor is very bad with faces or she must always have been travelling with him in his sixth incarnation and then the knowledge was, as you so obscurely put it, occluded somehow. really what she ought to do is wait until teh doctor is asleep and then ring romana or narvin (though she doesn't know him, but shh) and say 'help i'm trapped in a paradox' and they'd sort it out. indeed, if she told the doctor he might even return himself and they could sort it out, but never mind. it'd be nice irony really when, after eight failed to wipe charley's memory of him, the doctor does have his memory of her erased after all. wibbly wobbly timey wimey. that bastard deserved what he willn't have has happened to him (or whatever the hitchhikers guide would tell me about reflexive time grammar. i only listened to it last week...)
But 'occluded' was exactly the word I wanted, for the telepathic mind-clouding thing. It might have been purposefully done by someone, or the result of some yet-unknown accident: either way, the memory's occluded.
And I'm looking forward to more Six/Charley and Jests at Scars. :)
Yes, she should fess up to Six, or call Romana, and either way she might well be reunited with Eight who'd gladly have her back (and who she wants to travel with more anyway). Charley can be a bit slow, sometimes, for all Zagreus wants us to believe she runs around solving pi puzzles and being v. clever.
incidnetally, one wonders whether a nice thesaurus wouldn't have helped you with 'occluded' which seems rather unnecessarily obscure, when 'locked away' or whatever, would have done fine :p
oh, here's a real point: charley's worried that she didn't originally travel with six and that therefore she would be changing time, thus causing herself not to exist and more dmaage to the web of time (the time lords don't like her much anyway). which is bollocks, obviously, because either the doctor is very bad with faces or she must always have been travelling with him in his sixth incarnation and then the knowledge was, as you so obscurely put it, occluded somehow. really what she ought to do is wait until teh doctor is asleep and then ring romana or narvin (though she doesn't know him, but shh) and say 'help i'm trapped in a paradox' and they'd sort it out. indeed, if she told the doctor he might even return himself and they could sort it out, but never mind. it'd be nice irony really when, after eight failed to wipe charley's memory of him, the doctor does have his memory of her erased after all. wibbly wobbly timey wimey. that bastard deserved what he willn't have has happened to him (or whatever the hitchhikers guide would tell me about reflexive time grammar. i only listened to it last week...)
And I'm looking forward to more Six/Charley and Jests at Scars. :)
Yes, she should fess up to Six, or call Romana, and either way she might well be reunited with Eight who'd gladly have her back (and who she wants to travel with more anyway). Charley can be a bit slow, sometimes, for all Zagreus wants us to believe she runs around solving pi puzzles and being v. clever.
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