Meme--no idea who I stole it from, sorry to say

Jul 01, 2008 22:17

Entirely self-indulgent, I know, but WOMG work was FOUL and then today was v. sad, so I feel entitled? Also as a writer you live in a world wherein you only know your writing as YOU see it, and can't really perceive it as a reader does? Which is frustrating, and leads to Hardy writing foul poetry instead of more brill novels and Conan-Doyle loathing Holmes. So it's good to try to gain some perspective of how you work/don't for other people!

What would you say are the trademarks of my writing? What themes or quirks or turns of phrase have you noticed? What is it that makes a story/tag by me -- well, a story/tag by me? (...Man, person I stole this from, what IS a tag? Like, a skin tag? O_o)

And I'm adding, b/c am glutton for improving!punishment: what are the consistent points that you feel need improvement? ...tense and quotation issues, obviously, but, y'know, anything else? Particular voices? General style issues?

Also, have added anon-option on comments, in case you feel you can't tell me that you hatehatehate my metaphors or something to my user-icon and NEED to do it anonymously. Though obviously I'd feel more comfy if you, er, just said it, and would not in any way dislike you for pointing out that I should take more time with drafts or something (just an example, but I know I should on that particular one, and actually feel v. guilty for not ruminating more over a draft before I post it).


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