Day Book

Sep 16, 2014 02:40

Does anyone read Les Cites Obscures? (Have some nice pictures.) Let me know if you do or want to. Prepping to review the new translations. I LIKE them but often have zero idea wtf is going on. Between yesterday and today, have read:

The Great Walls of Samaris
The Tower
The Road to Armilia
The Invisible Frontier, Volume I
The Invisible Frontier, Volume 2
The Theory of a Grain of Sand, Volume 1

(and I've found Fever in Urbicand--so I could get you English copies of all of these?) I'm still trying to find English copies of:

The Leaning Girl
The Shadow of a Man
The Theory of a Grain of Sand, Volume 2

if anyone knows where these can be found.

76 emails
wrote landlady
wrote repairman
wrote new flatmate about bills
wrote mom about driver's license and bank card
changed sheets
sorted laundry
TONS of dishes
tidied room
read 3 books of Les Cites Obscures
found more Les Cites Obscures
watched Russian Sherlock Holmes
asked editor q about personnel change
asked K to send contract
asked K to call men
coordinated w/ R about chores
made Meg grocery list
checked US account
checked UK account--or tried to
called help line about non-working password system--no luck, then card reader broke, so idek
helped K find ingredients for dinner
watched a little Much Ado w Katy
talked through own work stuff
talked through K's work stuff

day book

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