my weekend

Mar 14, 2005 18:32

weLl lets see friday after school mycalann ended up cominq home on the bus with me .. then dari came over around 5 and we qot readie to qo to the movies and ana came over around 7? so then we went to the movies and we didnt realie do ne thinq thare but talk to people and then it qot borinq so we left around 10 dropped dari off and qot ice cream at maqqie moos then me ana and mycalann came back to my house and went on the computer and we ended of faLlinq asleep at 3 ..

saturday - me and ana woke up at like 7 and watched some movie on tv.? and mycalann woke up at 11 then we qot readie and made lunch ?? ha then mycalanns mom came around 4 to take her to soft ball so me and ana went with her .. it was realie borinq so we went to ed's house with neil and alex .. we left at like 5:45 went back to mycalanns practice and watched the last 15 minutes of it .. at 6 her mom picked us up and we went back to mycalanns for awhile and just went on the computer .. then we went with her mom andy and her aunt and uncle to pf chanqs .. it was qood ;] we left thare around 11 went back to mycalanns and just listend to music? and we fell asleep at like 2

sunday - woke up at like 9?? ate breakfast and watched tv then ana had to leave at 11 and me and mycalann just watched tv and didnt realie do ne thinq? then my mom came and picked me up at 4 then dari and mycalann came back over at like 5:30 and we took showers .. then my family came over cus it was my qrandpas birthday so we had to eat with them??? and ana came over and we wentto block buster and qot texas chainsaw massacre and saw when we came back home we went outside for awhile .. went to ryans chilled thare for awhile and came home at like 11 .. mycalann left at like 1 ? and me ana and dari watched part of texas chainsaw massacre then we jsut talked for awhile and fell asleep at like 4 or 3?

monday - dari woke us up at like 9:30 and we qot readie to qo to the beach and daris mom came and qot us .. wen we first qot thare we talked to mitch for awhile and then hailey sat with us then annie and claire came and talked to them for awhile and thare was like no sun so we walked to haileys house .. it took forever :\ then we qot thare and jamie and danny came a little bit after we qot thare .. and we didnt realie do ne thinq but watch tv and eat ha ;] and anas mom came and picked me and ana up at 4 she took me home .. i took a shower and dari stopped by to qet her stuff now im just talkinq to ana ;]
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