Feb 16, 2005 15:11
well lets cee ..
friday - peddlars market it was much more funner last year but what everr dari and ana came at like the end then they rode my bus with me home .. when we qot to my house we took a walk? ha lol then we came back to my house and watched part of the notebook then after it was like 7 and we qot readie and went to the movies .. me dari "biq" nick devon and danny all watched the movie booqey man .. ana and shane and evan just went to mcdonalds .. booqey man was scarey :\ then after saw jorge and ricky .. i havent seen them in a while :] .. then after my dad picked us up and took us to daris .. we ate then just watched tv and went on the computer and fell asleep around 1:30?
saturday- we had to wake up early cus we were qoinq to daris compition so we woke up around 6:00? i dont remember lol left at like 7 and arrived in miami at like 10? dari qot readie and me and ana just watched all the other people compete ha the qirl with ants in her pants lol ate alot of food :\ lol watched dari compete ! she was realie qood :] then went back to naples.. daris mom dropped us off at my house and we just hunqout then went to ryans with jake and corey .. awh i love corey so much :] .. came home around 11 and i wasnt realie in a qood mood so i just fell asleep ..
sunday - i woke up at 8:30 .. ana and dari were still sleepinq so i just watched tv for awhile until they woke up .. then we ate breakfast and qot readie and went to the mall .. we saw and hunqout with "biq" nick .. duffy and alex for awhile .. then like we were qettinq readie to leave and me and ana qot accused if stealinq shit from hollister? ? ha lol but daris mom talked them out of not pressinq charqes :] well now me and ana cant qo back to the mall until the end of auqest or we qet arrested and were NEVER aloud back in hollister :\ then my dad just picked me up from the mall .. and i took and shower talked to ana and dari .. went online .. and fell asleep early ..