Nov 26, 2004 23:10
Yes, this year was excellent, great, exciting, and liberating. 2004....the year that Was. I'm oh so thankful for this year. It's been an amazing year full of hot, sexy, and ugly moments. First, SENIOR YEAR. Senior year was amazing. I loved everything about it. Loved the fact I never had homework, made awesome new friends, lost incredibly UGLY friends, found myself, found out what makes me happy, WHo makes me happy, GOT INTO COLLEGE and LOVe the college I go to, pRom, graduation, and the summer.
I'm thankful for the people in my life. For the people that love me. For my family. For my sister who's my new best friend. I love her with all of my heart. WHat am I going to do when she goes to Mexico? BEsides be jealous of the fact she'll be living in Cancun I'm going to miss her awesomely good advise. She's so great and so wise. I'm thankful for everything that has happened these past two ridiculously hard months. It's made me such a strong person. A stronger individual willing to accept her mistakes, learn from them, and make A good situtation out of an incredibly messy and ugly one. I've become a different person. A better person. A wiser individual whose sole purpose is to make herself happy. And I've accomplished it. I'm happy. I'm happy because I know things now that I didn't know a year ago. These are the new things that make up Suzie Q. This new individual who's 18, willing, and smart about it! Willing?? YuP. Willing to do whatever it takes to make myself and the people I LOVE AND ADORE ....HAPPY! Its complex. Most readers won't ever understand what I mean. I'm thankful my mom retired. I'm thankful for my less than 5 friends whom I love. WHat on earth would I do without you? I'm thankful Kitty Kat talks to me again! I'm thankful OTHER people and I talk again. I'm thankful for a lot. I have a wonderful and beautiful family, who's united, loving, and happily together! I have unconditional love. Unconditional support. I have a car. I have a roof to sleep under. I go to college. I have friends. I have an amazing life. No drama. Absolutely no drama. how many people can say that? how many people can honesly say they have no drama in their lives and love the life they're living? I CAN. I'm good. I'm really good.. I can't thank GOD enough. My gratitude is endless. I will forever be on these bending thankful for what HE'S given me. THANK YOU GOD.
ALsO thankFul for....
Pharrel Williams, alcohol, range rovers, nicole ritchie, carmen electra, my husband( i know he's out there...gotta be), flavored blunts, books, clothes, boots, bags, weed, ppl, piercings, planes, the ocean, the sand, digital cameras, splash, dome, movies, couches, beds, books again, movies again, ppl again, amazing ppl, my blanket, college, having money, shoes, my life, my health, my hair =) , my ....( keep that to myself), and most importanly thankful for........................I"m thankful for that experience. THANK YOU GOD ONCE AGAIN. He makes everything happen for a reason. Only he knows why that happened. Believe me...ONLY he knows cuz I STILL don't know!!! LOL. mUah! I'm DoNE....Thankful for everything. "Good and Bad..Everything is welcomed"