Jun 16, 2005 21:34
howdy hoes! today was a tad sucky ducky =/
-failed driving test but tomorrow morning 8 am i am passing beeyotchez!! =P
-wahsed my car i mean went all out! cleaned it inside out and it rained! =(
-get wet hair frizzed!
-planed got screwed out the wazoo
-got in a fight with the all mighty aunt of mine! >=( she so urrks the crap out of me!
-relized some people really dont care =/
-have a feeling life is for a change! maybe for the better =)
<3 laura
wow that entry was a tad emo but no worries i am not =D and jilly i <3 you b/c your my best friend and a best friend='s the perosn who when ever life lifts you to the greatest peak and then drops you flat on your rearend the one who is there to cushion the fall! thanks for being my cushion lol!!! <3 <3 <3 double trouble 4 life