I've just realized that I am missing part of the quiz that I would die if I didn't do.
1. Kissed your cousin: no
2. Ran away: when I was 4, I "ran away" cause I sprayed my uncle's car with a garden hose
3. Pictured your crush naked: yes
4. Skipped school: yes
5. Broken someone's heart: I pissed my ex off a few times... but I don't think I broke his heart
6. Been in love: once upon a time
7. Cried when someone died: yes
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes
9. Broken a bone: yes, 2
10. Done something embarrassing: yes, but I don't get embarrassed
11. Lied: yes
12.Cried in school: yes
13. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
14. Sprite or 7UP: I like both
15. Girls or Guys: guys
16. Flowers or Candy: both, although, I've never gotten flowers with the exception of family members
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: a goatee
18. Blondes or Brunettes: dark
19. Bitchy or Slutty: slutty, although, I get annoyed with it.
21. Pants or Shorts: pants
22. Night or Day: night
The Opposite Sex
23. What do you notice first: hair lol
24. Last Person You Slow Danced With: Andrew
25. Worst Question To Ask: nothing out of bounds
26. Showered: took a bath last night
27. Stepped outside: getting off the bus coming home from Kindai
28. Had Sex: LMAO. Never.
29. Romantic memory: hmm.. I have a few..
30. Your Good Luck Charm: I have a few things
31. Person You Hate Most: Trista Lush
32. Best Thing That Has Happened To You: the course of 8 months when I was really happy with someone we will not mention. Also, having the bestest friends in the whole world
33. On your desk: a bunch of shit
34. Picture on your desktop: Blink 182
35. Color: red/black/silver
36. Movie: I have a few
37. Artist or band: Aerosmith, Metallica, Breaking Benjamin, Green Day, Ozzy, OLP... the list goes on...
38. Cars: I like my Cadillac... and I miss my Pontiac
39. Ice Cream: Grizzly Tracks
41. Food: Poutine
42. Makes You Laugh The Most: Andi, Ben, Heather, Juli, Beth, Daniel....
43. Makes You Smile: Heather, Beth, Trish, Tierney, Courtney, Daniel, Shawna, Shawna, Tara, Andi.....
44. Can Make You Feel Better No Matter What: Heather
45. Has A Crush On You: No one. I'm not crushable
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: kind of...
47. Who Has It Easier?: huh?
48. Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Frankie
49. Sit By The Phone Waiting For A Phone Call All Night: Used to..
50. Save AIM Conversations: sometimes, if i need to
51. Save E-mails: yep
52. Forward Secret E-mails: I have
53. Wish You Were Someone Else: yes
54. Wish You Were A Member Of The Opposite Sex: sometimes. I sometimes hate being a girl
55. Wear Cologne: no
56. Kiss: no
57. Cuddle: yes, sometimes
58. Go Online For Longer Than Eight Hours At A Time: not usually.
59. Fallen For Your Best Friend?: yes
60. Made Out With JUST A Friend?: no
61. Kissed Two People In The Same Day?: not that I know of...
62. Had Sex With Two Different People In The Same Day?: never had sex with one person in one day
64. Been In Love?: once upon a time.. it wasn't happily ever after
65. Been In Lust?: yeah
66. Used Someone?: not to my knowledge
67. Been Used?: probably
68. Dumped Someone?: yes
69. Been Cheated On?: yes
70. Been Kissed?: yes
71. Done Something You Regret?: no, I don't regret things... but if I do something and feel stupid about it... I rip myself apart.
72. You Touched?: Andi at Kindai
73. You Talked To?: Dad
74. You Hugged?: Frankie
75. You Instant MSG'd?: Ryan? I think...
77. You Yelled At?: He who must not be named
78. You Thought About?: He who must not be named/Kindai
79. Who Text Messaged You?: don't own my own cell.
80. Who Broke Your Heart?: He who must not be named.
81. Who Told You They Loved You?: No one really tells me they love me... :(
MORE ABOUT YOU...Do you...
82. Color Your Hair? Yes, I hate being a blonde
83. Have Tattoos?: 2
84. Have Piercings?: yes
85. Have A boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
86. Own A Webcam?: no
87. Own A Thong?: many
88. Ever Get Off The Damn Computer?: yes
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: nein. lol
90. Habla espanol?: no
91. Quack?: yes, I am a duck, you know.
92. Stolen Anything?: no
93. Smoke?: no
94. Schizophrenic?: not that I've been informed of.
95. Obsessive?: yes
96. Compulsive?: yeah
97. Obsessive compulsive?: yes
98. Panic?: yes
99. Anxiety?: yes
100. Depressed?: yes
Full Name: Tara-Lynn Theresa Parsons
Nicknames: Tasty Tara, Tara Chan, Tara, Tiki, Tara Bara, Fred, Taraface, Tar-Pit, TP.........
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: December 26, 1986
Place of Birth: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Siblings: Half brother and Sister, Greg and Krissy, I do not know them, they are older.. that's all I know. Then there's my God Sister, Rita... she's 27? I think...
Parents: Gail Parsons, James Albert
Pets: Cats (Fig and Squeak), Dogs (Bullet and Daisy) fish. Then there's Bear and Brain (Rain) whom live with Ruth, I still claim them as mine.
Height: 4'3"
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: brown
Writing Hand: right mostly
Current Residence: lower sackville
Nervous Habits: chew my nails, play with my hair, look at the ground...
Do you bite your nails?: yes
Do you pick your nose?: No
Are you double jointed?: yes
Can you roll your tongue?: yes
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: yes
Can you blow smoke rings?: no
Can you blow spit bubbles?: yes
Can you flare your nostrils?: yes
Can you cross your eyes?: yes, but it hurts
Can you wiggle your ears?: a bit
Tattoos?: 2
Piercings and where?: just my ears
Do you make your bed daily?: hahahaha h, no
Which shoe goes on first?: whichever I pick up
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: Yes
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: ahahahahahaha
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: earrings, watch, my necklace, jelly bracelets
What's the sexiest trait in a girl?: hmmmm...
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: on time
What are you wearing right now?: pj's
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam?: Hahaha. Monty Python "but I don't want any Spam!" "I'll have your spam!" no.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: grizzly tracks
What's your favorite beverage?: ice water
What's your favorite restaurant?: Jungle Jims... good times in there
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: fingers
Do you cook?: not exactly.
How often do you brush your teeth?: twice a day mostly
How often do you shower/bathe?: usually everyday, unless i'm really tired, sick or lazy
How long does your shower last?: 10-15 mintues
Hair drying method: blow dry
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yes
Do you paint your nails?: sometimes, when I have the urge to
Do you swear?: yes
Do you ever spit?: when i have the need to
Actor/Actress: Drew Barrymore/Johnny Depp
Food: Poutine
Month: October
Day: Friday
Color: Red/Black/Silver
Cartoon: Pinky and the Brain.. but they took it off the air :(
Flower: carnations
Shoe Brand: don't have one
Subject in school: Sociology/English
Sport: martial arts
Body part on you: my eyes
Body part on the opposite sex: eyes
TV show: That 70's Show
Movie: I have quite a few
Perfume or Cologne: neither
Game: Old School Pay Day
Artists (Musical): already answered that question.
The CD Player: burned cd
Walkman: Metallica, I think
Person you talk most on the phone with: my aunt lol
Ever taken a cab?: yes, many times
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: I do when I'm bored.
What color is your bedroom?: 2 different colour blue, and white
Do you use an alarm clock?: yes
Name one thing you are obsessed with: music
Window seat or aisle?: Window
What's your sleeping position?: stomach
What kind of bed do you like?: my bed
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yes, I get paranoid if I don't...
Do you snore?: yes, cause I have breathing problems when I sleep
Do you sleepwalk?: probably.
Do you talk in your sleep?: yes
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: sometimes
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: I am known to fall asleep during movies
What are you doing right now: trying to forget about him...
What do you look for in a girl/guy?: a lot of stuff.
What is the first thing you notice when you look at a girl/guy?: hair, usually.
What do you think of cheating?: horrible. waste of time. If you're going to go that low as to cheat, then you are that low.
Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
Oranges or apples?: oranges
One pillow or two?: 4
Deaf or blind?: blind
Pools or hot tubs?: both are fun!
Blondes or brunettes?: dark
TV or radio?: tv, i never listen to the radio unless i'm in the car or truck
Beach or pool?: beach
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: orange Tic Tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: jump out of bed
Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: both, actually.
Morning or night?: night
Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Christmas Eve
Bert or Ernie?: Cookie Monster
Spicy or Mild?: depends
Spearmint or Peppermint?: ummm...scotch mints
Call or Write?: Call
Peanut Butter or Jelly?: Peanut Butter
Hamburger or Hot Dog?: both lol
Dog or Cat?: cat
Bath or shower?: i like both
Book or Movie?: both
Green or Red apples?: green
Rain or Snow?: warm rain
Nike or Adidas?: neither, really.
Took a shower?: bath last night
Watched Bambi: grade 10, in family studies lol
Cried?: yesterday at lunch
Talked on the phone?: yesterday
Read a book?: yesterday.
Punched someone?: we were punching air yesterday :P
Best Friend: Andrew/Shawna S
Loudest: Lisa
Quietest: Shawna
Most shy: I have no idea
Most trusted: Andrew/Shawna/Heather/Beth
Most outgoing: Trish, I guess.
Most random: Beth
Has the most money: any of them who has jobs, I guess lol
Has the best house: Lisa, it's pretty
Most musically talented: Heather
Most artistically talented: Heather/Andrew
Most athletic: Jenn
Disagree with the most: I don't know
Agree with the most: Heather
Prettiest: - Beth
Funniest: Beth, Ben
Smartest: Jenn and Beth
Cutest Couple: Hmm... Courtney and Josh, I guess.
See the most often: Beth and Sarah
Haven't seen the longest: Courtney and Tierney
Seen the most recently: Heather, Andi... anyone at Kindai
Lives the farthest away: Tara Hobin (Ontario)
Lives the closest: Amy/Courtney
Known the longest: Beverley... even though we're not friends.. i've known her for like... 13-14 years
Known the shortest: Hmmm... Andi
Most boy crazy: Lisa
Doesn't care about what people think of them: Trish, me
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: working
Who are you going to marry?: no idea
How many kids?: i don't want kids, currently.
Your profession: psychologist
Future School: Mt Allison at the moment.
I wanna live: somewhere nice.