Jul 29, 2004 22:20
Well ive not really updated cause I couldnt really be botheredd.
Yesterday I went into town with Joaane, Kirsty and we met Sean...we wandered about and looked at shoes for a while.
Met Gav and Mark which was cooool!
Went to Central, met Nick, got a ticket, met Jennifer gave her and amazing present :p and then we went and got somthing to eatt.
later on we went down to the barfly and I met Lynnn and we just sat about and talked to more people and then went and got Barbie plasters yuuus they rule lol.
The gig was good : )
Todayy I went into town with the mother for school clothes...I got the coolest skirt for school but its not very schooly so I dunno if Mr B will let me wear it or not lol.
But ill be a rebal haha.
I met ashley and Milby whcih was cool cause I havent saw her for a while!!
Now I cant get on msn cause its being gayyy.
Someone leave me a comment ....I have noone to talk to lol. :(
Tomorrow me and Kirsty are going shoe shopping even though i have nooo moneyyy
Cannot wait for sunday :D :D