Jul 06, 2004 00:05
its been forever and things are great. i dont kno what else to say. im with phil all the time... i dont go home cause im hating it there... and i love this family ive grown into to! the only thing im missing is ashley and timmy. i dont see them enuff. i NEVER see timmy anymore and thats really really sad to me. if u read this tim... I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU SO MUCH! well this week im gonna spend applying at different places. i need a fucking job!!! other than that... things are really doing good. <333
[Describe your]
x. [Wallet] bLacK aNd LeaThER wITh MEtaL kiTty FaCE oN thE FrONt... aND a STapLeD on BuLLEtS n OctaNe mAgnET oN thE bAck
x. [Hairbrush] i Don'T uSe thOse
x. [Toothbrush] cOLgaTE aNd pINk
x. [Jewelry worn daily] mY boDy jEwELerY aNd mY bRAceLeTS aND my RuBBer bAnds ANd mY gRAmmAS weDDinG bAnd
x. [Blanket] aRgyLe grEy wHIte aNd bLack
x. [Coffee cup] bLue wIth THe VX LOgO
x. [Sunglasses] bIg aND bLacK... jUst LIKe mY dIck! ;)
x. [Shoes] uH... fLip fLopS fOr nOW
x. [Favorite shirt] i HAve ThRee: thE sOUnds ShiRTs... mY sT. LuKes ShIrt... aND mY nEw TC fOOtbALL sHIrT -pEEwEE fOOtBaLL-
x. [Favorite pants] JEANS MUTHA-FUCKER!
x. [CD in stereo right now] oZma <--- i'M @ phILLy's
x. [Tattoos] nOne YeT... wiLL bE: aN "oM" oN my LeFT bIg tOE... a sAcREd HEaRt iN thE ceNtER oF mY baCk WIth A swOrD gOIng THrU iT dOwn mY sPinE... sTarTinG oN my sHOULdER bLadEs... aND uH... OH! a TaTToo rIGhT abOve MY pELvIc bONe saYinG "cOMe HeLL oR hiGh wAtER hEr hEARt WaS mAde, nO frIEnD aND nO LOvER wOULd GET iN hEr waY" <--- wISh ME LuCK!
x. [Body Piercings] 7
x. [What you are wearing now:] bLaCK t-sHiRt... jEAns
x. [Hair] sHOrt AnD bLaCk
x. [Do you like candles] LoVe eM
x. [Do you believe in love] i'M iN iT!
x. [Do you believe in soul mates] i DID aT oNe tIme
x. [Do you believe in love at first sight] i ThiNK sO
x. [What do you want done with your body when you die] LeaVe iT tO ROt
x. [What are you gonna do when you're older?] wHaTEvER i DO i DO... iT's uP tO faTE
x. [How many songs do you have on your computer?] 2,717 <--- pHiL's COmpUTeR reMeMbeR?
x. [What band are you listening to now?] U2
x. [Look out your window...tell me what you see] i CAn'T sEE a tHinGS... iTs fUCkinG daRk aND sCaRY!
x. [If you could have any animal for a pet?] a TiGEr oF sOMe SoRt! <333
x. [What is the longest you've ever stayed up?] 3 dAYs
[When was the last time you ... ]
x. [Smiled?] LiKE... a MinUte AgO... aND nOw
x. [Laughed?] saMe TimE
x. [Cried?] tHIs MoRNiNG
x. [Bought] uHm... sTaRBuCKs
x. [Danced?] LasT nIgHt tO THE sOUNds
x. [Were sarcastic?] MaYbe 3 hOUrs AgO, oR so
x. [Had a nightmare?] caN't REmembER
x. [Last book you read] nOOOOOooOO iDea!
x. [Last movie you saw] STAR WARS: EpIsoDE II
x. [Last thing you had to drink?] dIet COkE
x. [Last thing you had to eat] mC-dONaLds <--- eWwwW
[ Body ]
x. [What do you most like about your body?] uHm... MY nIppLes... THey ShiNE! hahA
x. [And least?] mY sTomaCh aND my ArmS... i'M a FAttIE mC fAt FAt
x. [How many fillings do you have?] 1 OR 2?
x. [Do you think you're good looking] eH... i DOn'T tHinK i'M uGLy
x. [Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?] hA... yES'm... BuT peOPLe LiE
x. [Do you look like any celebrities?] pEOpLe SAY sHaNNyN soSSamON aNd RacHeL LeiGh cOOk
[ Fashion ]
x. [Do you wear a watch?] i HaTe EM! wHO wAnTs tO BE a SLaVE tO tiMe?
x. [How many coats and jackets do you own?] i'LL saY 8? i DOn'T kNO... 12?
x. [Favorite pants color?] bLacK oR brOWn pINsTripEs!
x. [Most expensive item of clothing?] dOEs mY tIffANy TaG nECkLAce COunT?
x. [Describe your style in one word] ME
[ Your Friends ]
x. [do your friends know you?] pHIL... asHLeY... tIMmy... aND uH... yA... tHOse ONeS dO
x. [Are there traits in you that are universally liked?] yA... aND thAts WiERd... i CAN't StaND mYsELF
x. [How many people do you tell everything to?] phIL... asHLeY... aND tIMMy
[ Music/TV/Books ]
x. [Favorite band ever?] ever!? bOwiE!!!
x. [Most listened to bands?] LAteLy THe SouNDs... BOwIe... TbS... uH... U2... tHe sPILL cAnvaS
x. [Do you find any musicians good-looking?] BOWIE! aND thE sINGer OF tHe sOUnds
x. [Type of music most listened to?] Lots OF 80's
x. [Favorite book?] i HAte BoOKs
[ General Questions ]
x. [What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?] raINy... i LIke RAinY daY cUDDLinG
x. [Do you consider yourself lucky?] depends.
x. [Choose one word to describe how you feel most often] faT
x. [Do you own any plaid clothing?] yES sIRee BoB
x. [Is there more than one zipper in your pants?] nO
x. [Do you own braces?] mY faVOirIte!
x. [Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?] yAh
x. [Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?] "FrIck YEAh!" <--- i MIss TImmY!
x. [Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?] nO
x. [Do you own a bandanna?] yA... i WEaR iT aS a TOP
x. [Are you amused by safety pins] nOPe
x. [Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?] YES!
[Habits/beliefs ]
x. [Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?] iN a SenSE, yES
x. [Are you an anarchist?] nOPe...
x. [Are you vegan/vegetarian?] i TRiEd fOR 3 MOnthS wHILe IN thE hoSpItaL... a GOoD oL frIEnD LaCEy heLpED wITh THat... bUT nO... i FAILed... sadLy i LOvE tHE cOW oN my PLAte
x. [Do you think meat is murder?] iT iS teChNIcaLLy... bUt LEts nOt LooK aT iT tHat wAy, k?
x. [Have you ever slept in an alley or park?] PARK!
x. [Do you wash your hair less than once a week?] o GOd NO!
x. [Have you ever gone a week without a shower?] o FuCk... wHAT dO yOU think!?!
x. [Age] 17
x. [Birthday] aUguSt 17
x. [Sign] LEO BABY!
x. [Location] sHIt FuCk, CALi
x. [Status] LoveD!
x. [Crush] oN mySeLF! hA
x. [Natural hair color] KinDA LiGHT brOWn... MOre ON thE daRK sIde Tho
x. [Current hair color] bLaaaCk
x. [Eye color] sOMEtimES bLacK... sOMEtimEs cHEstNUt... jUSt dePeNDs
x. [Height] 5'2"
x. [Shoe size] 7-8
x. [Parents] aRounD
x. [Siblings] 1 NeW babY brOthER!
x. [Live with] mINE as WELL bE mY bOYfrIENd ThEse DAyS <3
x. [Number] 0,3,8
x. [Color] bLack AND PinK
x. [Day] weDnesDAy!
x. [Movie] mINe!
x. [Food] chiLaQuiLEs! HahA
x. [Season] aUtuMN
x. [Class] eNgLIsh
x. [Veggie] cuCumBer
x. [Radio] 98.7 oN SaTURdaY niGhts FOr rIchArd FUCKING bLade
x. [Store] nOrdStRom
x. [Word(s)] ???
x. [Animal] kIttIes... aLL kINds OF kIttIES
x. [Flower] gERbER DAisY's
[this or that]
x. [Me/You] How about 'us' baby <--- i AgreE wITh LAceY!
x. [Coke/Pepsi] cOke!
x. [Day/night] nIzzIghT!
x. [CD/cassette] reCorDs!
x. [DVD/VHS] DvDs
x. [Jeans/khakis] jEAns
x. [Car/truck] caR