fUck yOu jImmY

May 16, 2004 21:18

Everyone's trying not to talk about their past
relationship. This may seem so sad. Pass it on to your friends....copy and paste your own responses!

1.) name one of your ex? jImmY

2.) Why did you break up? caUse i WouLd HavE gLadLy DiEd fOR hIm aND tHaT coULd NeVer Be ENuFF tO maKe hIm HaPpy

3.) Who called it quits? hIm <-- hahA thAts hIs fAvoRitE bANd

4.) What would be your break up song for him/her? uHm... HAHA asHLeY saId "sHut UP" bY thE bLaCK eYe'd PeaS

5.) Of all your ex's, is he/she the worst? nO... dAvid WiNs thAt TiTLe

6.) Do you regret what happened? i RegReT LoVInG hIm aS muCh aS i dId. i RegRet ThE scArs AnD thE kiSsEs. thE mEanInGLEss FucKInG seX thAt hE usEd juSt tO GEt oFf. i RegREt tHe kIssEs aNd tHe tEaRs. MoST oF aLL i ReGret EVER tRusTInG thAt hE LOVed ME.

7.) If there would be a chance that you will be together again, would you still say yes? nO... i'Ve fOund SoMEonE bEttEr <3

8.) Are you still hoping that he/she will come back? aCtuALLy... YES! sO i cAN rIp hIs fUCkiNG hEart OuT anD tELL hIm The SaMe LieS hE tOLd mE

9.) Do you think he/she hates you? i Don'T tHiNK hE knOws WhaT hE fEeLS

10.) Do you think he/she has moved on? hA yA... hEs GoT hIS pRiNcEss Of DaRKNeSS nOw LoL. sOMeOne TO "LoVE" uNTiL tHey DoN't FiT iN hIS LiTTLe DeMenTed FuCkinG wOrLD aNymORe.

11.) What did you do after the relationship ended? nO cOmmEnt

12.) do you hate him/her? nO... i LoVe hIM... aNd hE wiLL aLwaYs HaVE soMe sICk cOntROL ovEr mE

13.) Do you still communicate? nOt aNymOre. i ToLD hIm tO stOP IM'iNg mE aND caLLiNG caUse i HaVe noThinG LeFT tO saY.

14.) What would you tell him/her if your paths crossed? tHat I wISH hIm tHe bEsT

15.) Do you ever regret loving her/him? nO... iT reMiNdED mE hOw fUCkeD up LOvE is

16.)Does she/he make you cry when you're still together? wHeN we WeRE tOGetHer AfTerwArDs... YES. bUt nO... wE doN't See eaChoThEr aNymOrE.

17.) What was the most unforgettable WORDS/STATEMENT he/she told you? "juSt kNow tHaT whEN i DIE yOu hELpEd kILL mE."

18.) If you're gonna die tomorrow, what will you say to your ex? yOU'LL nEvEr kNo hOw mUch i WouLd've GiVen YoU. oR hOw muCh i LoVed You. YoU LoST oNe oF tHE bEst ThInGs yOU hAd GoiNg. SO fUck YoU anD fuCk uR So cALLed LoVe.
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