::~nO MoRe EriK~::

Jul 11, 2005 16:39

mE aNd eRiK BroKE uP aNd NoW iM SaD BeCuS i DoNT tHinK hE KnOwS ThAT i LoVeD HiM aND hE ThoUgHt ThAt i oNlY lYKeD HiM BeCuS Of oThER PpL AnD HoW ThEY LYKeD HiM AnD I WaNtED tO ShOW HiM oFF aNd ThaT iS sOoOoO NoT WhY. I ReAlLY DiD LYkE HiM aND I tHouGhT hE LyKeD Me tOoOoO. i tHiNk tHaT tHE rEaL ReAsON iS sOmEtHinG tO dO wiTh ThAt DuMB biTcH WhO HuNG ( Read more... )

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razor_blade_sex July 12 2005, 03:26:40 UTC
lauren it had nothing to do with samantha, when i talked to her she told me to do whatever felt right, and i DID! it wasnt woring out with us because you are extremely superficial and the only reason you want to be in a relationship is so when people ask you, you can say yes i have a boyfriend, well i didnt want to be that guy. ive moved on, you should too. if you're going to be immature about it, go have fun but dont blame it on things that have nothing to do with the actual real reason why we split.


x_laurenpop_x July 12 2005, 03:29:33 UTC
JuST aDmiT YoU CheATeD oN mE wiTH heR anD I wiLL lEt iT gO! i DoNT lYKe bEiNG LiEd tOo eRiK.



pen___cap__chew July 12 2005, 04:45:31 UTC
dude laurenn stop being so paranoid erik never cheated on you not even once.


x_laurenpop_x July 12 2005, 04:47:35 UTC
sTaY oUT oF ThIS DaNnY YoU DoN'T KnOw AnYtHiNG!



razor_blade_sex July 12 2005, 04:54:09 UTC
danny knows a lot more than you know so yah maybe me and samantha hooked up once, but it was one time and it was when we were broken up for those few days. i never cheated i dont cheat and i dont want to hear all of this drama becus its all bullshit as far as i am concernd.


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