Dec 19, 2004 21:48
*I'm out for the holidays! hell yeah! well, why am i sitting at home on my ass then....bored as hell. I wish Jordan wasn't grounded. Laura is with Trey, but what's new? Brent is working. Matt is outta town. Ben is outta town. Noelle is grounded too, so we can't hang out just sisters. umm what to do?! damnit. I'm sucha loser.
*Just got done eating dinner. We read "The Polar Express" to Brent because he never read it as a little boy! HOW SAD?!?!? Then, Noelle decides to read her favorite christmas book from her childhood. Holy shit!!! It was SOOO fucking long. It was like 30 pages long. and like, full pages. It took FOREVER!
*Hopefully I'm going to paint the garage tomorrow. I need to make money for Brent's present. Noelles present came in the mail today! hehe its so cute! I'm so proud of myself for getting her such expensive things this year! i usualy don't get her shit. this year on her birthday (Dec. 9) i bought her a 70 DOLLAR!!! shirt!!! and then for christmas I spent maybe like....100 bucks i guess a little more than that at least.gosh dang. well my bathing suits are coming in the mail from Victoria's Secret tomorrow! I'm so excited! hehe! because i have to send the bottoms back for different sizes since they don't sell them separate im gona just say they didn't fit so i needed a diff size! hah!
*Also tomorrow, I have to blow the leaves. If I do that, I'm gona tell my mom to pay me haha because i owe Noelle money for buying my mom's present, and I need MORE money than that to pay for MORE presents for mommy, don't have a presnt for the g-ma. I'm so behind. and on top of this i lost my wallet, i think i left it at church though so lets just hope!
*Yesterday, Noelle got to drive us to Target! how exciting!! haha we picked up Laura and shopped there for awhile i had a blast hah! then we went to Johnny rockets and Brent bitched to go back to my house and get his stupid cigarettes and his phone. but we said we'd get the food to go and ended up getting it there and sat down. haha but he was tired and fell asleep anyway so he didn't notice that we were in there for along time.
well kiddos im outta here!