your name: Lauren
your gender: tHonGz & bIkIniS
age: 10+5
height: 5'3
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
your location: v*HiLLz
fallen off the bed? yeah
had plastic surgery? yeah i guess you could say that. it was to fix what my braces couldnt
broke someone’s heart? i'm pretty sure
had your heart broken? definitly
had a dream come true? not a sleep dream. but like, an aspiration
done something you regret? yeah who hasnt
cheated on a test? saturday school too
been raped? more like taken advantage of.
broken a body part? i think i broke my toe.
wearing - boxers and an auburn teeshirt
listening to - nothing
chewing - nothing
feeling - really tired
reading - nothing
located - bedroom
chatting with - alex
watching - family guy
should REALLY be - snoozin...zzzzzz
SECTiON 4 [ DO YOU... ]
brush your teeth? yeah..
have any piercings? ears and bellybutton
drive? unfortunatly no
believe in Santa Claus? no
ever get off the computer? sometimes
do you belong to a crew? yeah
do you hang out with the opposite sex? yes
do you trust your friends? yeah
are you a good friend? sometimes
can you keep a secret? yes
hugged - probably alex
talked to on the phone - jordan
yelled at - noelle
tripped you - eh, i dono the ground?
What was the worst day of your life? the week after the "joseph incident" would be my guess
What is your most embarrassing story? uhhhhhhh
What has been the best day of your life? well, i guess when he first said "i love you"
What comes first in your life? my mom and jordan
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? - suuuuure
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? whatever is usually on t.v.
Movies: The Green Mile, Pearl Harbor, The Notebook
Songs: Drop It Like its Hot((haha jordan!))
Stores: you should all know this one, but for you idiots out there...bebe
Relatives: my mom
Sports: ummm swimming?
Ice Cream Flavors: strawberry
Fruit: apples and strawberries and oranges
Candy: twix, reeses
Holiday: Christmas and Birthday
Day of the Week: Saturday
Colors: black and white and pink
Magazine: cosmopolitan and country weekly and teen people and shape
Name for a Girl: Natalie
Name for a Boy: Trace
SECTiON 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
Like to give hugs? yeah
Like to walk in the rain? sometimes
Sleep with or without clothes on? with
Prefer black or blue pens? black
Dress up on Halloween? i try, but sometimes i don't get around to it
Have a job? no, need one
Like to travel? to the beach
Like someone? yes
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? left side, away from the window
Think you're attractive? thats a little conceited, but i guess sometimes
Have a goldfish? no
Ever have the falling dream? yes, when i was little more though
Have stuffed animals? yes, my favorite bear, brownie :)
Bill Clinton: whore
Eating Disorders? noelle
Suicide: crazy
Summer: the shit
Tattoos: depends
Piercings: cool
Make-up: art
Drinking: yes
Guys: hell yeah
Girls: gotta have em :)
Be serious or funny? funny
Simple or Complicated? complicated
Law or anarchy? the law to a point
MTV or BET? i like em both
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? 7th Heaven
Sugar or salt? Salt
Silver or gold? Silver
Tongue or belly button ring? both!
Chocolate or flowers? flowers
Color or Black-and-white photos? depends
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
M and M's or Skittles? M and M's
Rap or Rock? rap
Stay up late or sleep in? up late, then sleep in
TV or radio? TV
Hot or cold? hot
Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? taller
Sun or moon? moon
Diamond or Ruby? diamonds
Left or Right? right
10 acquaintances or one best friend? 1 best friend
Vanilla or chocolate? vanillia
Kids or no kids? kids
Cat or dog? dog
Half-empty or Half-full? does it matter?
Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
Newspaper or Magazine? magazine
Spring or Fall? spring
Give or receive? receive
Rain or snow? we need snow, but the rain is great
Happy or sad? happy
Corduroy or plaid? plaid
Wonder or amazement? wonder
sneakers or sandals? sandals
McDonald's or Burger King? McDonalds
Mexican or Italian food? mexican
Lights on or off? on
Duct tape or scotch tape? duct tape
Candy or soda? soda
woods or the city? city
Pepsi or Coke? coke
Nike or Adidas? i guess adidas, but i'm more of a reebok girl