Okk, So the last few day, I have not been able to comment on Livejournal. I have not been able to get online.
Sooo, I have been sick Monday and Tuesday, but on Tuesday at like 2, my friend Sabrina snuck into my house, and she stayed the night.
Read this if want. My Oxicotton and Kodenne cough syrup, plus computer cleaner...story.
So, she brought Kodeen cough syrup, and oxicotton. (Which I learned later is a synthetic form of heroin, which not alot of people know.)
So, we snorted the Oxicotton and Drank the bottle of Syrup, then I was like. oh yea, I have a bunch of computer cleaner, so we inhaled that, and she was freaking out.
We fell asleep, having an hour to wake up. We slept in.
SO it was hard to be quiet and sneak hr back out. Pam like burst open thedoor, but thankgod we heard her and sabrina hid in my closet, and shes like "Are you going to school" and im like yea.
SO we got ready and I snuck her back out my window.
We got to school and I went ot my locker...Allison was there, I couldnt open ym locker cause I didn't knwo the code.
Then I found out that I couldnt go with all the 8th graders to the seattle center cause I turned in the paper late. SO I was like shit. So I decided to just talk to the colnslor about everything.
I talked about what happened last night.
And when I had to go back to class, she told me, I was to high to go ot class. I couldnt consintrate or barely talk or anything and i was really tired. So she called the nurse and told the nurse everything.
they called my house. I dind't want the nurse to call Pam or anything, and I didn't even want to the nurse to know, btu she did.
My om came and got me, I had to give 56 dollar to the counslor to give Sabrina. Becuase after school that day we had to go down to the Ave to get 7.5 ounce of weed. So Sabrina had tyo go all by herself. And she didn't even know who the guy was, but they found each other and she got it.
But my mom Came and pick3d me up and the principal was called, and I had tot lak to him, they tried to get me to tell them everything and who it was trhat gave me the oxicotton
I siad I was giving it at hte wallingford center, but I wouldnt tell them by who and my moms like Sabrina and im like No, sabrina has NOTHING to do with it, and she tried to tell me it was Alliosn, lol. But no. So they dont know.
And then I had to go home and sleep.
My mom made me sleep in her room so she couldnt make sure I was ok. I kept twitching.
And she din't wake me this morning so whne I asked if I could go ot school she said no, becuase she didnt want to pick em up there, since I has to go to job interview today. Which I am still going to at 4:15.
So that was time, lol.
Love you all