May 25, 2005 16:34
I d0n't really feel like updating but, 0h well.
Amanda g0t her braces 0ff. (Lucky wh0re. L0l, jk.)
J0sh is g0ing t0 Niagra Falls s00n. *tear*
This s0ng keeps making me cry.
I can't wait until Friday.
Teachers suck, and they sh0uld all g0 die.
(Especially Ms. Y0ungbl00d.)
And in that death wish I'd als0 like t0 include wh0ever the fuck decided there sh0uld be a "n0 PDA" rule at sch00l. (Gfk.)
Ummmm.....what else? I kn0w there's g0t t0 be S0METHING else t0 write ab0ut.
Well, I did g00d 0n my pr0gress rep0rt.
I'm d0n't feel like myself anym0re. (F0r the past tw0 days.)
I actually ate breakfast this m0rning and I felt like I was g0ing t0 thr0w-up this m0rning.
D0es any0ne even read this?!?!?? *N0*
I think I'll g0 d0 s0mething, somewhere.
I miss J0sh.....a l0t.
I l0ve him...........<3
S0rry my life is s0 b0ring.
L0ve, C0urt.//*