May 30, 2005 14:39
T0day was quite eventful:
- w0ke up t0 B0b n0t being h0me.
- M0mmy made breakfast.
- g0t dressed and such.
- went fl0wer sh0pping with my m0m and b0ught s0me pretty stuff f0r the fr0nt.
- went "thrifting" and b0ught a g0rge0us skirt.
- it was pretty fun.... but I guess that's it.
- came h0me and eevrything g0t fxcked up.
- (St0ver was h0me...)
- and 0f c0urse my m0m l0ves him like a th0usand times m0re than me s0.... yeah I g0t really pissed 0ff.
- and n0w I'm here (d0wnstairs) d0wnl0ading s0me s0ngs.
S0 in 0ther news.....
I miss J0sh s0, s0 much. *sad face.*
And he needs t0 get h0me s0 he can call me like....n0w. <3
<3 C0urt.//*