Mar 18, 2006 11:42
people always try to change themselves
whats the point?
its who they are that makes them unique
i know changing bad habits is a good thing
but thats not what i'm talking about
i'm talking about the people who try to impress others
in for instance job cases, yes i say go for it
but not to the extent to change everything about them
people should stop thinking about:
trying to become their idol
trying to make way around what other people have already done
trying to avoid being like the parents/friends etc. if you enjoy it
trying to change for another person or
trying to avoid to have people say stuff about you
no one is the same it'll just make you look like an ass in the end
bottom line: do as you please but dont do it because other people do it or because other people have done it already but do it because thats who you are
it bothers me when people say:
i just dont want to follow in my siblings/parents footsteps
i just have to do this to impress others
i have to change it because everyone hates it
i want to be just like him/her
i want reinvent myself because i dont want to be viewed like so and so
but if thats who they are trying to be others
then in a way in my view thats pathetic but that again is just me
i'm clueless on why i'm ranting and thinking about this but i just have to get that out there.
and i dont think i've ever hated as many people combined as i do this year